
vitrahaus by herzog & de meuron

Located at the Vitra Design Museum and serving as the flagship for the campus, the Vitrahaus designed by Herzog & de Meuron is a worthy entry to the impressive facility. You buy your tickets, you get lunch or a snack, you tour Vitra products, you visit the museum store, and you experience the unique spaces of stacked gabled structures.

One might question the design choice, haphazardly stacking what amounts to a dozen or so shotgun shacks, but it was a brilliant decision. Since the spaces are intended as showrooms for Vitra's impressive assembly of Modern homewares and furniture, the stacking creates a number of human- and home-scaled rooms to display the goods and a way to frame the gorgeous views of the countryside and grounds from a variety of directions.

IF YOU VISIT: You can wander the grounds and visit the showrooms, gift stores, and cafes for free. Entry fees are required to access the three museums. 




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