My feeble (and ongoing) attempt to document the development of modernism in home design through 1950. Yes, I know: The list is incomplete. I'm working on that... Please feel free to suggest houses and architects I need to add. Things start to get a little crazy after 1930 or so as modernism takes off.
The story thus far, as far as key points in the development of modernism (as I see it):
- 1893 on: Frank Lloyd Wright's blocky massing.
- 1896: "Form ever follows function" (later shortened to "Form follows function") written by Louis Sullivan (and borrowed from the sculptor Horatio Greenough who used the phrase in 1852).
- 1908, March: Frank Lloyd Wright publishes his first essay in the "In the Cause of Architecture" series, laying out his six propositions on architecture.
- 1910: The publication of Frank Lloyd Wright's "Wasmuth Portfolio", introducing Wright to the Germans and the rest of Europe.
- 1910: Adolf Loos gives a speech titled "Ornament and Crime", a treatise against ornament in architecture, later published in 1927.
- 1913: Gropius publishes "The Development of Industrial Buildings"
- 1914-1918: World War I (There was a lot more deconstructing than constructing going in during the war, but this pause in the development of physical architecture allowed great leaps forward in conceptual architecture)
- 1917: The birth of neoplasticism via the de Stijl movement
- 1919: Gropius establishes Bauhaus
- 1921-1922: Design and construction of the Schindler-Chace House in Los Angeles
- 1922-1930: Le Corbusier's early modern work (which "perfected" modern)
- 1927: The Weissenhof Estate in Stuttgart
- 1929: Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion (glass walls)
- 1932: Museum of Modern Art's show on modern architecture, the works contained therein later commemorated as the "International Style"
- 1951: Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House (the glass house)
The story thus far, as far as key points in the development of modernism (as I see it):
- 1893 on: Frank Lloyd Wright's blocky massing.
- 1896: "Form ever follows function" (later shortened to "Form follows function") written by Louis Sullivan (and borrowed from the sculptor Horatio Greenough who used the phrase in 1852).
- 1908, March: Frank Lloyd Wright publishes his first essay in the "In the Cause of Architecture" series, laying out his six propositions on architecture.
- 1910: The publication of Frank Lloyd Wright's "Wasmuth Portfolio", introducing Wright to the Germans and the rest of Europe.
- 1910: Adolf Loos gives a speech titled "Ornament and Crime", a treatise against ornament in architecture, later published in 1927.
- 1913: Gropius publishes "The Development of Industrial Buildings"
- 1914-1918: World War I (There was a lot more deconstructing than constructing going in during the war, but this pause in the development of physical architecture allowed great leaps forward in conceptual architecture)
- 1917: The birth of neoplasticism via the de Stijl movement
- 1919: Gropius establishes Bauhaus
- 1921-1922: Design and construction of the Schindler-Chace House in Los Angeles
- 1922-1930: Le Corbusier's early modern work (which "perfected" modern)
- 1927: The Weissenhof Estate in Stuttgart
- 1929: Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion (glass walls)
- 1932: Museum of Modern Art's show on modern architecture, the works contained therein later commemorated as the "International Style"
- 1951: Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House (the glass house)
Folks I need to look into:
Paul Artaria
Ragnar Ostberg
Clough Williams-Ellis
Peter van der Muelen Smith
Paul Nelson
A. Lawrence Kocher
1891-1892: Charnley House, Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
1892: Harlan House, Frank Lloyd Wright (with Louis Sullivan; Chicago, Illinois)
1893-1894: Winslow House, Frank Lloyd Wright (River Forest, Illinois)
1892: Harlan House, Frank Lloyd Wright (with Louis Sullivan; Chicago, Illinois)
1893-1894: Winslow House, Frank Lloyd Wright (River Forest, Illinois)
1896-1897: Heller House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
1901: Fricke House, Frank Llloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois; still exists)
1900-1901: Habich House, Joseph Maria Olbrich (Darmstadt, Germany; destroyed in WW II)
1903-1905: Martin Carriage House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Buffalo, New York)
1903-1905: Martin House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Buffalo, New York)
1903-1906: Villa Karma, Adolf Loos (Clarens, Switzerland; still here)
1904: Beach Villa Concept, Wunibald Deininger (Wagner School; Vienna, Austria; concept)
1904: Cite Industrielle (project for an ideal city), Tony Garnier (concept; shown in 1904, published in 1918)
1904-1905: Heath House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Buffalo, New York)
1904-1906: studio house, István Medgyaszay (Gödöllő, Hungary)
1905: Villa Lugs ins Land, Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno (Laßnitzhöhe, Austria; still exists)
1905: Villa Pramberger, Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno (Graz, Austria; still exists)
1905-1911: Palais Stoclet, Joseph Hoffman (Brussels, Belgium)
1907: Allen House, Irving Gill (Bonita, California)
1907: Paramore House, H. Jordan MacKenzie and Moise H. Goldstein (New Orleans; still exists, but modified)
1908: Boynton House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Rochester, New York; still here)
1910: Frank Lloyd Wright publishes "In the Cause of Architecture" in the Architectural Record
1908-1910: Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
1909: Gale House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Oak Park, Chicago)
1909: Steffens House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
1910: Frank Lloyd Wright publishes the Wasmuth Portfolio.
1910: Adolf Loos gives a speech titled "Ornament and Crime"
1910: Adolf Loos gives a speech titled "Ornament and Crime"
1910: Steiner House, Adolf Loos (Vienna, Austria)
1911: Villa Tony Garnier, Tony Garnier (Lyon, France; still exists)
1912: Small Town House, Frank Lloyd Wright (concept)
1912-1913: Scheu House, Adolf Loos (Vienna, Austria)
1912-1913: Villa Wagner, Otto Wagner (Vienna, Austria)
1912-1916: American System-Built Homes, Frank Lloyd Wright (various, United States)
1913-1914: Scholl House, Josef Frank (Vienna, Austria)
1914: The Glass Pavilion, Bruno Taut (Cologne, Germany)
1914-1915: Dom-ino House, Le Corbusier (concept; employed later)
1914-1916: The Dodge House, Irving Gill (Los Angeles, California; destroyed)
1915: Bach House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
1915-1916: Scripps House, Irving Gill (La Jolla, California; still exists)
1915-19: Villa at Huis ter Heide, Robert van't Hoff (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
1916: The log house, R.M. Schindler (unbuilt)
1917: House for a sugar mill owner, Adolf Loos (Hrusovany u Brna, Czech Republic)
1917: Villa Allegonda, J.J.P. Oud (Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands; still here but heavily modified)
1917: Oak Park House, R.M. Schindler (Oak Park, Illinois; unbuilt)
1917-1921: Barnsdall House (Hollyhock), Frank Lloyd Wright (Los Angeles, California)
1918: Betonwohnhaus, J.J.P. Oud (concept)
1919: Horatio West Court, Irving Gill (Santa Monica, California)
1919: The Monolith Home, R.M. Schindler for Frank Lloyd Wright
1920: Director's House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; for Frank Lloyd Wright)
(photo by Moby!)
1920: Oleander, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; for Frank Lloyd Wright)
1920: Daal en Berg Houses, Jan Wils (Den Haag, The Nederlands)
1920-1921: Villa Sevensteyn, W. Ma. Dudok (The Hague, The Nederlands)
1920-1922: Sommerfeld House, Gropius (Berlin, Germany)
1921: Jacob Korsen Apartments, R.M. Schindler (built?)
1921: Konstruction, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1921-1922: Double Villa, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany; still here)
1921-1922: Schindler Chace House, R.M. Schindler (West Hollywood, California)
1921: Konstruction, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1921-1922: Double Villa, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany; still here)
1921-1922: Schindler Chace House, R.M. Schindler (West Hollywood, California)
1922: Maison Citrohan, Le Corbusier (concept)
1922: Ozenfant House and Studio, Le Corbusier (Paris, France; still here [roof modified])
1922: Red Cube House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Wood Frame House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Design for a Family House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Wohnhaus, J.J.P. Oud (concept)
1922: Floren duplex, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; still exists)
1922-1923: House Michaelsen, Karl Rudolf Schneider (Hamburg, Germany; still with us)
1922-1924: Popenoe Cabin, R.M. Schindler (Coachella, California)
1922-1924: Taggart House, Lloyd Wright (Hollywood, California)
1922-1925: Cite Moderne, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1922-1926: Lovell Beach House, R.M. Schindler (Newport Beach, California)
1922: Red Cube House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Wood Frame House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Design for a Family House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Wohnhaus, J.J.P. Oud (concept)
1922: Floren duplex, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; still exists)
1922-1923: House Michaelsen, Karl Rudolf Schneider (Hamburg, Germany; still with us)
1922-1924: Popenoe Cabin, R.M. Schindler (Coachella, California)
1922-1924: Taggart House, Lloyd Wright (Hollywood, California)
1922-1925: Cite Moderne, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1922-1926: Lovell Beach House, R.M. Schindler (Newport Beach, California)
1923: Model Maison Particulière, Theo von Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren (concept)
1923: Model Maison d'Artiste, Theo von Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren (concept)
1923: Sommerfeld Houses, Erich Mendelsohn and Richard Neutra (Berlin, Germany)
1923: Site manager's shed, J.J.P. Oud (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
1923: Lowes House, R.M. Schindler (Eagle Rock, California)
1923: El Pueblo Ribera Court, R.M. Schindler (San Diego, California)
1923: Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, Le Corbusier (Paris, France)
1923: Woonhuls aan de rivier [house on the river], C. van Eesteren (Alblasserdam, Nederlands)
1923: Ennis House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Los Angeles, California)
1923: Freeman House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1923: Millard House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Pasadena, California)
1923: Storer House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Los Angeles, California)
1923: Concrete country house (unbuilt), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1923: Concrete country house (unbuilt), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1923: Le Corbusier publishes "Vers un Architecture" (Toward an Architecture)
1923-1924: Villa Sternefeld, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany; still here)
1923-1925: Villa "Le Lac", Le Corbusier (Corseaux, Switzerland)
1923-1928: Villa Noailles, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Hyeres, France)
1924: Aalsmeer House, Johannes Duiker and Bernard Bijvoet (Aalsmeer, The Nederlands; still here)
1924: Auerbach House, Walter Gropius (Jena, Germany; still exists)
1924: John Cooper Packard House, R.M. Schindler (South Pasadena, California; destroyed)
1924: Auerbach House, Walter Gropius (Jena, Germany; still exists)
1924: John Cooper Packard House, R.M. Schindler (South Pasadena, California; destroyed)
1924: Modern Fruges Quarter, Le Corbusier (Pessac, France)
1924: Modern Fruges Quarter, Le Corbusier (Pessac, France)
1924: Model for a villa, Robert Mallet-Stevens (concept)
1924: Reitveld-Schroder House, Gerrit Rietveld (Utrecht, The Nederlands)
1924: Brick country house (unbuilt), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1924: Brick country house (unbuilt), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1924-1925: Villa Paul Poiret, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Yvelines, France)
1924-1925: Villa Paul Poiret, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Yvelines, France)
1924-1926: Gibling House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; destroyed)
1924-1927: Claeson House, Joseph Frank (Falsterbo, Sweden)
1925: Dymaxion House, R. Buckminster Fuller (concept)
1925: Workers' Houses, Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret (Bordeaux, France)
1925: Maison Tzara, Adolf Loos (Paris, France)
1925: Maison Bomsel, André Lurçat (?)
1925: How House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; still here)

1925: L'Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, Le Corbusier (Paris, France; destroyed after nine months but rebuilt in Bolgna, Italy in 1977)
1925: Villa May, Ernst May (Frankfurt, Germany) ?
1925-1926: New Ways House, Peter Behrens (Northampton, United Kingdom)
1925-1926: Lovell Ranch, R.M. Schindler (Fallbrook, California; destroyed)
1925-1927: Wolf House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Gubin, Germany [now Poland]; destroyed during WW II)
1925: Villa May, Ernst May (Frankfurt, Germany) ?
1925-1926: New Ways House, Peter Behrens (Northampton, United Kingdom)
1925-1926: Lovell Ranch, R.M. Schindler (Fallbrook, California; destroyed)
1925-1927: Wolf House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Gubin, Germany [now Poland]; destroyed during WW II)
1925-1927: The Dwelling, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1925-1928: Wittgenstein House, Paul Engelmann and Ludwig Wittgenstein (Vienna, Austria; still exists)
1925-1928: Wittgenstein House, Paul Engelmann and Ludwig Wittgenstein (Vienna, Austria; still exists)
1926: Bauhaus, Walter Gropius (Dessau, Germany; some destroyed during WW II)
1926: Lenglet House, H.L. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium)
1926: Villa Moller, Adolf Loos (Vienna, Austria; still exists)
1926: Lenglet House, H.L. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium)
1926: Lovell Cabin, R.M. Schindler (Wrightwood, California)
1926: Sorg House, R.M. Schindler and Richard Neutra (San Gabriel, California; destroyed)
1926-1927: Weissenhofsiedlung, Le Corbusier (Stuttgart, Germany; still exists)
1926: Lovell Cabin, R.M. Schindler (Wrightwood, California)
1926: Sorg House, R.M. Schindler and Richard Neutra (San Gabriel, California; destroyed)
1926-1927: Weissenhofsiedlung, Le Corbusier (Stuttgart, Germany; still exists)
1926-1927: Landhuas Dr. Bejach, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany)
1926-1927: Gregory Farmhouse, William Wurster (Santa Cruz, California)
1926-1928: Villa Stein-de Monzie, Le Corbusier (Vaucresson, France; still exists)
1926-1927: Apartments at Weissenhofseidlung, Peter Behrans (Stuttgart, Germany)
1926-1929: E-1027 House, Eileen Gray and Jean Badovici (Cap Martin, France; still here)
1926-1932: onkel toms hütte, Bruno Taut (Berlin, Germany)
1927: House for the Weissenhof Estate, Victor Bourgeois (Stuttgart, Germany; still here)
1927: House of the architects, Barbera and Stanislaw Brukalski (Warsaw, Poland)
1927: House in the Weissenhof suburb, Walter Gropius (Stuttgart, Germany)
1927: House for Josephine Baker, Adolf Loos (unbuilt)
1927: Guggenbuhl House, Andre Lurcat (Paris, France)
1927: Villa des Freres Martel, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Paris, France; still here)
1927: Villa Allatini, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Paris, France)
1927: Villa Dreyfuss, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Paris, France)
1927: Villa Reifenberg, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Paris, France)
1927: Weissenhof Row Houses, J.J.P. Oud (Stuttgart, Germany)
1927: Chauffeurswoning, Gerrit Rietveld (Utrecht, Nederlands; still here)
1927: The Dwelling, Hans Scharoun (Stuttgart, Germany)
1927: Serial Housing, Mart Stam (Stuttgart, Germany)
1927-1928: rue Simon-Dereure, Pierre Patout (Paris, France)
1927-1928: La Nouvelle Maison, H. van de Velde (Tervuren, Belgium)
1927-1929: The Villa of Architect Evžen Linhart, Evžen Linhart (Praha, Czech Republic)
1927-1929: Melnikov House, Constantine Melnikov (Moscow Russia)
1927-1930: Villa Heim, Gabriel Guevrekian (Paris, France; still here)
1927-1930: Lange and Esters Houses, Mies van der Rohe (Krefeld, Germany; still exist)
1927-1932: Maison de Verre, Johannes Duiker and Bernard Bijvoet (Paris, France)
1927-1932: Aluminaire House, Albert Frey and A Lawrence Kocker (various locations; currently on Long Island)
1928: Kumeli House, Alvar Aalto (concept)
1928: Melder House, Marcel Breuer (concept)
1928: Jespers House, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1928: Lewin House, Walter Gropius and Peter Behrens (Berlin, Germany)
1928: Szyller House, Bogdan Lachert and Józef Szanajca (Warsaw-Saska Kępa, Poland)
1928: Maison Voisin, Pierre Patout (Paris, France; still exists)
1928: Grokowsky House, R.M. Schindler (South Pasadena, California)
1928: Wolfe House, R.M. Schindler (Catalina Island, California; demolished 2002)
1927-1930: Villa Heim, Gabriel Guevrekian (Paris, France; still here)
1927-1930: Lange and Esters Houses, Mies van der Rohe (Krefeld, Germany; still exist)
1927-1932: Maison de Verre, Johannes Duiker and Bernard Bijvoet (Paris, France)
1927-1932: Aluminaire House, Albert Frey and A Lawrence Kocker (various locations; currently on Long Island)
1928: Kumeli House, Alvar Aalto (concept)
1928: Melder House, Marcel Breuer (concept)
1928: Jespers House, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1928: Lewin House, Walter Gropius and Peter Behrens (Berlin, Germany)
1928: Szyller House, Bogdan Lachert and Józef Szanajca (Warsaw-Saska Kępa, Poland)
1928: Maison Voisin, Pierre Patout (Paris, France; still exists)
1928: Grokowsky House, R.M. Schindler (South Pasadena, California)
1928: Wolfe House, R.M. Schindler (Catalina Island, California; demolished 2002)
1928-1930: Tugendhat House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Brno, Czechoslovakia; still here)
1928-1930: Tugendhat House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Brno, Czechoslovakia; still here)
1928-1930: Huber-Zweifel residence, Hans Schmidt (Switzerland)
1928-1931: Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier (Poissy, France; still exists)
1928-1930: Huber-Zweifel residence, Hans Schmidt (Switzerland)
1928-1931: Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier (Poissy, France; still exists)
1929: Modernist Villa, Pol Abraham (Louveciennes, France; still here)
1929: Zuckerkandle House, Walter Gropius (Jena, Germany)
1929: WuWA nr 35, Heinrich Lauterbach (Wroclaw, Poland)
1929: Lovell Health House, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California; still exists)
1929: Cabin #1 at Park Moderne, R.M. Schindler (Woodland Hills, California)
1929: Maison a Boom, Leon Stynen (???)
1929: Crowstep, Thomas Tait (Newbury, England)
1929: Westhope, Frank Lloyd Wright (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
1929-1930: Villa Thérèse, Pol Abraham (Vaucresson, France; still here)
1929-1930: Battlecreek House, Henry Dubin (Chicago, Illinois)
1929-1930: Villa Snegaroff, Bruno Elkouken (Sceaux, France; still with us; photos)
1929-1930: Beer House, Joseph Frank (Vienna, Austria)
1929-1931: High and Over, Amyas Connell (Amersham, England)
1929-1935: Villa Girasole (Sunflower House), Ettore Fagiuoli (Marceillise, Italy; still exists; top of house turns with the sun!)
1929-1930: Am Rupenhorn 25, Wassili Luckhardt and A Anker (_____; still exists)
1929-1930: Hotel Nord-Sud, André Lurçat (Calvi, ?)
1930: Studio House, Theo van Doesburg (Meudon-Val-Fleury, France)
1929-1932: Villa Cavrois, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Croix, France)
1930: Electrical house at Monza exhibition, L. Figini and G. Pollini (Milan, Italy)
1930: Concept house in Architectural Record, George Howe and Williams Lescaze
1930: Casa Tyroler, Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary)
1930: Canneel Cottage, H.L. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium; destroyed)
1930: Villa Dammann, Arne Korsmo (Oslo, Norway)
1930: Villa Muller, Adolf Loos (Prague, Czech Republic)
1930: Waldner House, Hans Schmidt (Basle, Switzerland)
1930: Werner House, Karl Schneider (Hamburg, Germany)
1930: Elliot House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1930: Waldner House, Hans Schmidt (Basle, Switzerland)
1930: Werner House, Karl Schneider (Hamburg, Germany)
1930: Elliot House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1930, Braxton House, R.M. Schindler (unbuilt)
1930, Braxton House, R.M. Schindler (unbuilt)
1930-1931: Double House, Otto Eisler (Brno, Czech Republic)
1930-1931: Willa Jaroslava Haska, Heinrich Lauterbach (Jablonec, Czech Republic; still exists)
1930-1931: Field House, William Lescaze (New Hartford, Connecticut; still here)
1930-1931: Casa en Budapest, Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary)
1930-1931: Wolfers House, H. Van de Velde (Ixelles, Belgium)
1930-1932: Two houses at Werkbundsiedlung, Gabriel Guevrekian (Vienna, Austria; still here)
1930-1932: High Cross House, William Lescaze (Dartington, England; still with us)
1931: House in Taunus Hills, Peter Behrens (Cronberg, Germany)
1931: Single-family house, Huib Hoste (Zele, Belgium)
1931: Semi-detached House, Lajos Kozma (Budapest, Hungary)
1931: Exposition House, Mies van der Rohe (Berlin, Germany; destroyed)
1931: Ground-Floor House, Lilly Reich (Berlin, Germany; destroyed)
1931: Erasmuslaan 9 Housing Block, Gerrit Rietveld (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
1931-1932: Maison Hefferlin, André Lurçat (Ville d'Avray)
1931-1932: Willa Dr. Schmelowsky’ego, Heinrich Lauterbach (Jablonec, Czech Republic)
1931-1932: von Koerber House, R.M. Schindler (Torrance, California)
1932: Villa Tammekan, Alvar Aalto (Tartu, Estonia; still with us)
1932: New Farm, Amyas Connell and Basil Ward (Surrey, England)
1932: Single family house, Jadwiga Dobrzyńska and Zygmunt łoboda (Warsaw, Poland)
1932: House on Szépvölgyi Avenue, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1932: House on Csatárka Street, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1932: Director's house, Otto Hassler (Celle, Germany; still exists)
1932: Akaboshi House, Antonin Raymond (Tokyo, Japan)
1932: Gericke House, Mies van der Rohe (Germany; unbuilt)
1932: Jenő Dálnoki-Kováts House, Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary; still exists)
1932: Manó Schwarz House, Farkas Molnár (Szeged, Hungary)
1932: Barillet House, Robert Mallet-Stevens (Paris, France)
1932: Model House, Richard Neutra (Vienna, Austria)
1932: Neutra VDL Studio and Residence I, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California; later modified)
1932: The Museum of Modern Art hosts the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture. A book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson titled "The International Style" documents the exhibition and names the movement.
1932: The Museum of Modern Art hosts the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture. A book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson titled "The International Style" documents the exhibition and names the movement.
1932: Speculative House, William Gray Purcell and Evera Van Bailey (Banning, California)
1932-1933: Lemke House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Berlin, Germany; still with us)
1932-1934: Tempe a Pailla, Eileen Gray (Menton, France)
1933: Villas, Tony Biwer (Luxembourg)
1933: Brussels House, Huib Hoste (Brussels)
1933: Lescaze house and office, William Lescaze (New York, USA; still here)
1933: High Cross House, William Lescaze (Devon, England)
1933: Weekend House, Farkas Molnár (Felsőgöd, Hungary)
1933: Mosk House, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California)
1933: Koblick House, Richard Neutra (Atherton, California; still here)
1933: Meyer House, Francis Quetant (Coligny, France)
1933: Locke House (unbuilt), R.M. Schindler
1932: Speculative House, William Gray Purcell and Evera Van Bailey (Banning, California)
1932-1933: Lemke House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Berlin, Germany; still with us)
1932-1934: Tempe a Pailla, Eileen Gray (Menton, France)
1932-1934: Willey House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
1932-1934: Willey House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
1933-1934: Sonneveld House, Brinkman and van der Vlugt (Rotterdam, The Netherlands; still here)
______________________________________1933-1934: Sonneveld House, Brinkman and van der Vlugt (Rotterdam, The Netherlands; still here)
1933: Villas, Tony Biwer (Luxembourg)
1933: Brussels House, Huib Hoste (Brussels)
1933: Lescaze house and office, William Lescaze (New York, USA; still here)
1933: High Cross House, William Lescaze (Devon, England)
1933: Weekend House, Farkas Molnár (Felsőgöd, Hungary)
1933: Mosk House, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California)
1933: Koblick House, Richard Neutra (Atherton, California; still here)
1933: Meyer House, Francis Quetant (Coligny, France)
1933: Locke House (unbuilt), R.M. Schindler
1933: Schindler Shelters, R.M. Schindler (concepts)
1933: Schminke House, Hans Scharoun (Lobau, Germany)
1933: Baensch House, Hans Scharoun (Berlin, Germany)
1933: The Florida Tropical House Robert Law Weed (built for the 1933 Century of Progress International Exhibition; Beverly Shores, Indiana; still exists)
1933-1934: Flats, Alfred and Emil Roth with Marcel Breuer (Zurich, Switzerland)
1933-1934: Martens House, H. Van de Velde (Astene, Belgium)
1934: Crystal House, George Fred Keck (Chicago, Illinois)
1934: Villa Hoffman, Josef Fischer (Budapest, Hungary)
1934: Houses on Sasfiók Street, Máté Major (Budapest, Hungary)
1934: Sten and Franke House, Richard Neutra (Santa Monica, California; still here)
1934: Beach House, Charlotte Perriand (designed in 1934; built in 2013 in Miami)
1934: Buck House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1934: House at Leimert Park, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1934: Oliver House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1934: House at Leimert Park, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1934: Oliver House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1934: Bernati A-Frame House, R.M. Schindler (Lake Arrowhead, California)
1934: Bernati A-Frame House, R.M. Schindler (Lake Arrowhead, California)
1934: Haines House, R.M. Schindler (Dana Point, California)
1934: Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright (Bear Run, Pennsylvania)
1934: Leimert Park House, R.M. Schindler (unbuilt)
1934-1935: Kramer House, William Lescaze (New York, New York)
1934-1935: Joose House, William Lescaze (Devon, England)
1934-1935: Peterhouse Flats, Rex Martienssen (Johannesburg, South Africa)
1934-1935: Kaun Beach House, R.M. Schindler (______, California)
1934-1935: van Patten House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1935: Weekend House by Corbu, Le Corbusier (Paris, France)
1935: House on Szépvölgyi Avenue, József Fisher - (Budapest, Hungary)
1935: Twin houses on Pálanta Street, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1935: Sun House, Edwin Maxwell Fry (London, England)
1935: Kershner House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California)
1935: Laing House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Weekend Home on Lupa Island, Lajos Kozma (Budapest, Hungary)
1935: House on Church Street, Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff (London, England; still here)
1935: The glass house in Uccle, Paul-Amaury Michel (Uccle, Brussels; still exists)
1935: Beard House, Richard Neutra (Altadena, California)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Weekend Home on Lupa Island, Lajos Kozma (Budapest, Hungary)
1935: House on Church Street, Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff (London, England; still here)
1935: The glass house in Uccle, Paul-Amaury Michel (Uccle, Brussels; still exists)
1935: Beard House, Richard Neutra (Altadena, California)
1935: von Sternburg House, Richard Neutra (Northridge, California)
1935: Two family house, Bohdan Pniewski (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Delahoyde House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1935: McAlmon House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1935: Single family house, Włodzimierz Winkler (Warsaw, Poland)
1935-1936: Aalto House, Alvar Aalto (Helsinki, Finland; still with us)
1935-1936: Geggie House, R.M. Schindler (Pasadena, California)
1935-1936: Walker House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1935-1938: Own House, Serge Chermayeff (Halland, Sussex, UK)
1936: Edwards House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1936: Villa Le Jeannerie, Victor Bourgeois (Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium)
1936: House in Csévi Mew, Józef Fisher and Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary)
1936: House on Batsányi Street, Alfréd Forbát (Mecsek Mountains near Pécs, Hungary)
1936: House at Chipperfield Common, Edwin Maxwell Fry (Hertfordshire, England)
1936: Miramount, Edwin Maxwell Fry (New Malden, England)
1936: Levy House, Walter Gropius and Edwin Maxwell Fry (London, England)
1936: House in Csévi Mew, Józef Fisher and Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary)
1936: Steiguer House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Pasadena, California)
1936: Kun House, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California)
1936: Lipetz House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1936-1937: Kraigher House, Richard Neutra with Frank Godwin (Brownsville, Texas; still here; photos from here)
1936-1937: Warshaw House, R.M. Schindler (not built)
1936-1937: Jacobs House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Madison, Wisconsin)
1936-1939: Zacsek Beach House, R.M. Schindler (Playa del Rey, California)
1937: Dunsmuir Flats, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1937: Ernst House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1937: Weissenhof House, Adolf Bading (Stuttgart, Germany)
1937: Stothart House, J.R. Davidson (Los Angeles, California)
1937: The double house, Joseph Frank (Stuttgart, Germany; still here)
1937: Colmorgan House, Bruce Goff (Glenview, Illinois)
1937: Entenza House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Santa Monica, California)
1937: Berteaux Cottage, L.H. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium)
1937: House, Raymond McGrath (Chertsey, Surrey, UK)
1937: Darling House, Richard Neutra (San Francisco, California)
1937: Weissenhof House, Hans Poelzig (Stuttgart Germany)
1937: Ryan Beach House, R.M. Schindler (unbuilt)
1937: Dodie Priver House I, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; destroyed)
1937: Rebhuhn House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Great Neck Estates, New York; still here)
1937-1938: Gropius House, Walter Gropius (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
1937-1938: Resor House, Mies van der Rohe (Jackson Hole, Wyoming; unbuilt)
1937: Rodakiewicz House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1937-1938: Resor House, Mies van der Rohe (Jackson Hole, Wyoming; unbuilt)
1937: Rodakiewicz House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1937-1939: Grace Miller House, Richard Neutra (Palm Springs, California)
1937-1939: Villa Mairea, Alvar Aalto (Noormarkku, Finland)
1937-?: Hanna House (Honeycomb), Frank Lloyd Wright (Stanford, California)
1938: Beckman House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1938: Becker House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1938: Vorkapinch House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1938: Egloff House, William and Margaret Egloff (Mason City, Iowa; still here)
1938: House at Avenue de l'Uruguay 5, Victor Bourgeois (Bruselles, Belgium; still here)
1938: The Homewood, Patrick Gwynne (Esher, England; still with us)
1938: The Barsha Residence, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1938: Windshield, Richard Neutra (Fisher's Island, New York)
1938: Schiff and Wolfe Duplex, Richard Neutra (San Francisco, California)
1938: Southall House and Studio, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California) [still exists]
1938: Wilson House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California) [still exists]
1938: Yates House and Studio, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1938: Austrian House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; destroyed)
1938: Polito House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1938: Ross House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1938: Steel Houses for Los Angeles, Frank Lloyd Wright (unbuilt)
1938-1939: Turzak House, Bruce Goff (Chicago, Illinois; still here)
1938-1939: Westby House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1938-1939: Gogol Home, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still with us)
1938-1939: Suntop Home, Frank Lloyd Wright (Ardmore, Pennsylvania)
1938-1939: Wingspread, Frank Lloyd Wright (Wind Point, Wisconsin)
1938-1941: Manson House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Wausau, Wisconsin)
1939: Daniel House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1939: Hay House, Gregory Ain (North Hollywood, California)
1939: Tanner House, Alfred Clauss (Knoxville, Tennessee; still here)
1939: J. Ford House, Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer (Lincoln, Massachusetts)
1939: Frank House, Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
1939: Pumphrey House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1939: Villa Stenersen, Arne Korsmo (Oslo, Norway; still with us)
1939: Newton Road, Denys Lasdun (London, England)
1939: Zalewski Villa, Bohdan Pniewski (Warsaw, Poland)
1939: Meyers House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still with us)
1939: Bazett House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hillsborough, California)
1939: Pew House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Madison, Wisconsin)
1939: Sturges House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Brentwood Heights, California)
1939-1940: Lautner House, John Lautner (Los Angeles, California)
1939-1940: van Dekker House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1939-1940: Goetsch-Winckler House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Okemos, Michegan)
1939-1940: Pauson House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Phoenix, Arizona)
1939-1941: Havens House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Berkleley, California; still here; tours available)
1940: Jesse Oser House, Louis Khan (Elkins Park, Pennsylvania)
1940: Droste House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1940: Kimpson/Nixon House, Raphael Soriano (Long Beach, California; still here)
1940: Koosis House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still with us but heavily modified)
1940: Lukens House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1940: Affleck House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Bloomfield Hills, Michegan)
1940: Goetsch-Winckler House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Okemos, Michigan)
1940-1942: Rodriguez House, R.M. Schindler (Glendale, California)
1941: Chamberlain Cottage, Marcel Breuer (Weyland, Massachusetts; still here)
1941: Mann House, J.R. Davidson (Pacific Palisades, California)
1941: Bonnet House, Richard Neutra (Hollywood Hills, California)
1941: Strauss House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1942: Finn Juhl House, Finn Juhl (Charlottelund, Denmark; still with us)
1942: Lek House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (San Diego, California; destroyed)
1942: Harris House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1942: Ebert House, Raphael Soriano (Studio City, California)
1942-1947: Katz House, Raphael Soriano (Studio City, California; Soriano referred to this house as the "Gato House" because of disagreements over architectural fees with the client)
1943: Holston Hills House, Alfred Clauss (Knoxville, Tennessee; still here)
1944: Jacobs House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Middleton, Wisconsin)
1941: Strauss House, Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1942: Finn Juhl House, Finn Juhl (Charlottelund, Denmark; still with us)
1942: Lek House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (San Diego, California; destroyed)
1942: Harris House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1942: Ebert House, Raphael Soriano (Studio City, California)
1942-1947: Katz House, Raphael Soriano (Studio City, California; Soriano referred to this house as the "Gato House" because of disagreements over architectural fees with the client)
1943: Holston Hills House, Alfred Clauss (Knoxville, Tennessee; still here)
1944: Jacobs House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Middleton, Wisconsin)
1945: Geller House, Marcel Breuer (Long Island, New York)
1945: Geller House, Marcel Breuer (Long Island, New York)
1945-1949: The Eames House, Charles and Ray Eames (Los Angeles, California)
1945-1951: Farnsworth House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1945-1951: Farnsworth House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
1946: Kaufmann Desert House, Richard Neutra (Palm Springs, California)
1946: Farney House, Philip Johnson (Sagaponack, New York; in jeopardy)
1946: Bailey House, Richard Neutra (Santa Monica, California)
1946-1948: Kallis House, R.M. Schindler (Studio City, California)
1947: The Avenel Housing Project, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1947: Robinson House, Marcel Breuer (Williamston, Massachusetts)
1946-1948: Kallis House, R.M. Schindler (Studio City, California)
1947: The Avenel Housing Project, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1947: Robinson House, Marcel Breuer (Williamston, Massachusetts)
1947: Breuer House I, Marcel Breuer (New Canaan, Connecticut)
1947-1950: Shulman House (yes, the famous modern photographer!), Raphael Soriano (Los Angeles, California)
1948: Casa de Luis Barragán, Luis Barragán (Mexico City, Mexico; still with us)
1948: Lechner House, R.M. Schindler (Studio City, California, still with us)
1948: Ledbetter House, Bruce Goff (Norman, Oklahoma; still with us)
1948-1949: Healy Guest (Cocoon) House, Ralph Twitchell (Sarasota, Florida)
1948-1949: Pratt House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Galesburg, Michegan)
1948-1949: Pratt House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Galesburg, Michegan)
1949: Hale House, Craig Ellwood (Beverly Hills, California)
1949: Hale House, Craig Ellwood (Beverly Hills, California)
1949: Glass House, Philip Johnson (New Canaan, Connecticut)
1949: Schaffer House, John Lautner (Glendale, California; still here)
1950: Women's Home Companion Exhibition House, Gregory Ain (Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York)
1950: Tucker House, R.M. Schindler (Hollywood, California; unbuilt)
1950-1951: Erlik House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1950: Rose Seidler House, Harry Seidler (Wahroonga, Australia; still here)
1950: David Wright House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Phoenix, Arizona)
1950-1951: Russell House, Erich Mendelsohn (San Francisco, California; still here)
1950-1952: Ries House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
1950-1955: Bavinger House, Bruce Goff (east of Norman, Oklahoma; reportedly destroyed by a windstorm in 2011)
1950-1960: Kraus House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Kirkwood, Missouri)
Mucho thanks to Devon for the Pages suggestion. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteOhmigosh, you get things DONE. I'm, like, planning out the order of my pages and doing drafts and making lists of which pictures I need before pulling the trigger on Pages.
ReplyDeleteAdded 1933: House of Tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAdded 1935: McAlmon House (Schindler) and 1938: Wilson House (Schindler)
ReplyDelete1926: Bauhaus, Walter Gropius (added photos)
1928: Lewin House, Walter Gropius and Peter Behrens (Berlin, Germany)
1929: Zuckerkandle House, Walter Gropius (Jena, Germany)
1935: Sun House, Edwin Maxwell Fry (London, England)
1936: House at Chipperfield Common, Edwin Maxwell Fry (Hertfordshire, England)
1936: Miramount, Edwin Maxwell Fry (New Malden, England)
1936: Levy House, Walter Gropius and Edwin Maxwell Fry (London, England)
1939: Newton Road, Denys Lasdun (London, England)
Added 1917: Oak Park House, R.M. Schindler (Oak Park, Illinois; unbuilt)
ReplyDeleteAdded 1919: The Monolith Home, R.M. Schindler for Frank Lloyd Wright
ReplyDelete1925-1926: Lovell Ranch, R.M. Schindler (Fallbrook, California; destroyed)
1923: Freeman House, Frank Lloyd Wright
1926: Sorg House, R.M. Schindler and Richard Neutra
Split the Dymaxion houses.
ReplyDelete1924-1926: Gibling House, R.M. Schindler
1935-1936: Walker House, R.M. Schindler
1938-1939: Westby House, R.M. Schindler
1942: Harris House, R.M. Schindler
ReplyDelete1931-1932: von Koerber House, R.M. Schindler
1934-1935: Kaun Beach House, R.M. Schindler
1936-1939: Zacsek Beach House, R.M. Schindler
1938: Yates House and Studio, R.M. Schindler
1940: Droste House, R.M. Schindler
ReplyDelete1929: Cabin #1 at Park Moderne, R.M. Schindler
1933: Schindler Shelters, R.M. Schindler
1935: Delahoyde House, R.M. Schindler
1935-1936: Geggie House, R.M. Schindler
1937: Ryan Beach House, R.M. Schindler
1950: Tucker House, R.M. Schindler
ReplyDelete1917-1921: Barnsdall House (Hollyhock), Frank Lloyd Wright
1932-1934: Willey House, Frank Lloyd Wright
1937-?: Hanna House (Honeycomb), Frank Lloyd Wright
1938-1939: Wingspread, Frank Lloyd Wright
1938-1941: Manson House, Frank Lloyd Wright
ReplyDelete1936-1937: Kraigher House, Richard Neutra with Frank Godwin
ReplyDelete- 1938-1939: Gogol House, Raphael Soriano
ReplyDelete1936: Lipetz House, Raphael Soriano
1937: Dodie Priver House I, Raphael Soriano
1938: Austrian House, Raphael Soriano
1938: Polito House, Raphael Soriano
1938: Ross House, Raphael Soriano
ReplyDelete1938: Southall House and Studio, R.M. Schindler
ReplyDelete1946-1948: Kallis House, R.M. Schindler (Studio City, California)
1936-1937: Warshaw House, R.M. Schindler (not built)
ReplyDelete1940-1942: Rodriguez House, R.M. Schindler (Glendale, California)
1950-1952: Ries House, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California)
ReplyDelete1938-1939: Turzak House, Bruce Goff
1948: Ledbetter House, Bruce Goff
1950-1955: Bavinger House, Bruce Goff
ReplyDeleteI recommend these:
Those are cool! My Hungarian is is a little rusty... Who is/are the architects?
DeleteKálmán Váczy-Hübschl, sr.
István (Stephen) Medgyaszay
ReplyDeleteThe first modnrn cubist building is Villa Allegonda by JJP Oud, in Holland from 1917
Nice! I've added it!
ReplyDelete1933: Mosk House, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California)
1933: Koblick House, Richard Neutra (Atherton, California; still here)
1917-1918: Villa Allegonda, J.J.P. Oud (Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands; still here but heavily modified)
1923: Site manager's shed, J.J.P. Oud (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
ReplyDeleteCheck french Tony Garnier's Cite Industrielle in Google Images. Most of house and urban plans designed between 1901–1904 and published in 1917. He's influenced to Le Corbusier.,+Tony?sort=Title%2CWellsComName%2CItem_Number%2CDivision_Sequence_Number
Wow: That's cool!
1904: Cite Industrielle (project for an ideal city), Tony Garnier (concept; shown in 1904, published in 1918)
Delete1911: Villa Tony Garnier, Tony Garnier (Lyon, France; still exists)
ReplyDeleteI recommend Farkas Molnár's „Red Cube House” plan, he's influenced in De Stijl, and designed the FIRST(!) 1x1x1 pure cube house in Bauhaus school and Walter Gropius' office in 1922/1923.
DeleteI added:
1921: Konstruction, Farkus Molnar (concept)
1922: Red Cube House, Farkas Molnar (concept)
I need to add more of his work...
Delete1922: Wood Frame House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1922: Design for a Family House, Farkas Molnár (concept)
1930-1931: Casa en Budapest, Farkas Molnar (Budapest, Hungary)
1930: Casa Tyroler, Farkas Molnar (Budapest, Hungary)
1932: Jenő Dálnoki-Kováts House, Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary; still exists)
1936: _____, Farkas Molnar (Budapest, Hungary)
Victor Bourgeois
ReplyDeletecheck their 1922 works, influenced by De Stijl
Delete1927: House for the Weissenhof Estate, Victor Bourgeois (Stuttgart, Germany; still here)
1928: Jespers House, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1936: Villa Le Jeannerie, Victor Bourgeois (Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium)
1938: House, Victor Bourgeois (Bruselles, Belgium; still here)
designer: Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno
ReplyDeletename: Villa Lug ins Land
year: 1905
adress: Austria, Laßnitzhöhe, Hauptstraße 122
and Villa Pramberger:
Delete1905: Villa Lugs ins Land, Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno (Laßnitzhöhe, Austria; still exists)
1905: Villa Pramberger, Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno (Graz, Austria; still exists)
ReplyDelete1923: Woonhuls aan de rivier [house on the river], C. van Eesteren (Alblasserdam, Nederlands)
1924: Model for a villa, Robert Mallet-Stevens (concept)
1927: Chauffeurswoning, Gerrit Rietveld (Utrecht, Nederlands)
premodern buildings:
ReplyDeleteJosef Hoffmann: Purkersdorf Sanatorium, 1903–1904, Purkersdorf, Austria
Otto Wagner: Villa Wagner (2nd), 1912–1913 in Vienna, Austria (Wright influenced)
Delete1912-1913: Villa Wagner, Otto Wagner (Vienna, Austria)
Since I'm keeping this page focused on house architecture, I'll pass on the Hoffman structure (although it is quite fine!). One of these days I'll add a page of non-residetial precedents.
Wunibald Deininger (Wagner School): beach villa concept, 1904
Delete1904: Beach Villa Concept, Wunibald Deininger (Wagner School; Vienna, Austria; concept)
Rudolf Weiss (Wagner School): „Hotel Wien” concept, 1907, Viena, Austria
z: Link is not working on this one. Tried googling, but can't find it... -b
J.J.P. Oud (dutch), father of De Stijl neoplasticism / european cubism architecture
ReplyDeleteWorks from 1917–1928, their 1918–1919 works influenced by Wright.
Delete1918: Betonwohnhaus, J.J.P. Oud (concept)
1922: Wohnhaus, J.J.P. Oud (concept)
„... The first stepped and splitted cube applied earliest examples in the new architecture by Josef Hoffmann designed villa for dr. Hugo Henneberg (1901–1902) in Vienna in Hohe Warte. Joseph Maria Olbrich's Habich-house (1900–1901) in Darmstadt and István Medgyaszay's two studio houses (1904–1906) in Gödöllő.”
ReplyDelete„... Medgyaszay's two studio houses in Gödöllő are unique in they age in hungarian architecture but very hard to find international parallels – perhaps Jan Kotera's Prague or Adalbert Pasdirek-Coreno's Graz villas similar.* Tony Garnier Une cité industrielle (An industrial city) titled plan's houses similar to Belmonte-house but Garnier release they plan in 1917 only...”
Ákos Morvánszky: Competing Visions: Aesthetic Invention and Social Imagination in Central European Architecture, 1867-1918 – released in 1998, M.I.T. Press
Ákos Moravánszky has been Titular Professor of the Theory of Architecture at the Institut gta (Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture) of ETH Zurich since 2005 in Switzerland.
„... These were the principles that guided Medgyaszay in creating the first truly modern buildings in Hungary (Gödöllő, studio houses, 1904–1906) at the same time as Frank Lloyd Wright* had his first american prairie-houses built following a similar approach as far as ornamentation was concerned. ...”
János Gerle: Hungarian turn-of-the-century architecture, 1990
Joseph Maria Olbrich, Josef Hoffmann and István Medgyaszay has students (Wagner Schule) of Otto Wagner in Vienna.
Wikipedia: „... but the work of Wright scholar Anthony Alofsin suggests that Wright was heavily influenced by the work of the Vienna Secession.”
Before Wasmuth Portfolio in 1911 Wright know the european architecture and know Wagner and his students works. Olbrich's Secession Building (1897–1898) in Vienna influenced to Wright's Unity Church (1904).
* and Irving J. Gill (imho).
Delete1905-1911: Palais Stoclet, Joseph Hoffman (Brussels, Belgium)
1900-1901: Habich House, Joseph Maria Olbrich (Darmstadt, Germany; destroyed in WW II)
1907: Paramore House, H. Jordan MacKenzie and Moise H. Goldstein (New Orleans; still exists, but modified)
1904-1906: studio house, István Medgyaszay (Gödöllő, Hungary)
The more I learn about Wright, the more I realize that he was cross-pollinated by much of what was going on around him. Unfortunately, he claimed it all as his own.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your e-mail?
I wanna like to send you early modern architecture pictures in De Stijl influenced belgian architecture in 1920–1923, Loos, Wagnerschule, Gill etc. works. Early Farkas Molnár and Alfréd Forbát lifeworks (1921–1924). They with Marcell Breuer are three friends from Pécs, Hungary and early Bauhaus students.
bubba (at) whirlingpool (dot) com
DeleteAdolf Loos: Villa Karma, Clarens, Switzerland, 1903–1906
ReplyDeleteW. M. Dudok: Villa Sevensteyn, The Hague, 1920–1921 (Wright influenced kitchen)
Erich Mendelsohn: Double Villa on Karolingerplatz, Berlin, Germany, 1921–1922
Erich Mendelsohn: Villa Sternfeld, Berlin, Germany, 1923–1924 (minimal prairie and De Stijl influence)
Terrible oversight to not have Mendelsohn on here!
1903-1906: Villa Karma, Adolf Loos (Clarens, Switzerland; still here)
1920-1921: Villa Sevensteyn, W. Ma. Dudok (The Hague, The Nederlands)
1921-1922: Double Villa, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany; still here)
1923-1924: Villa Sternefeld, Erich Mendelsohn (Berlin, Germany; still here)
ReplyDelete1922-1923: House Michaelsen, Karl Rudolf Schneider (Hamburg, Germany; still with us)
1932: Villa Tammekan, Alvar Aalto (Tartu, Estonia; still with us)
1932: High Cross House, William Lescaze (Dartington, England; still with us)
1935-1936: Aalto House, Alvar Aalto (Helsinki, Finland; still with us)
1939: Villa Stenersen, Arne Korsmo (Oslo, Norway; still with us)
1942: Finn Juhl House, Finn Juhl (Charlottelund, Denmark; still with us)
1948: Casa de Luis Barragán, Luis Barragán (Mexico City, Mexico; still with us)
1933: Sonneveld House, Brinkman and van der Vlugt (Rotterdam, The Netherlands; still here)
ReplyDelete1938: The Homewood, Patrick Gwynne (Esher, England; still with us)
1950: Rose Seidler House, Harry Seidler (Wahroonga, Australia; still here)
ReplyDelete1950-1951: Russell House, Erich Mendelsohn (San Francisco, California; still here)
ReplyDelete1923: Family House, Erich Mendelsohn and Richard Neutra (Berlin, Germany)
1934: Sten and Franke House, Richard Neutra (Santa Monica, California; still here)
1935: House on Church Street, Erich Mendelsohn (London, England)
ReplyDelete1937: Rebhuhn House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Great Neck Estates, New York; still here)
from the english Arts and Crafts movement:
ReplyDelete„early abstracted Classicism”, 8 Private Road, Enfield, Middlesex, Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo, 1883
„the architect's tall response to a restricted site”, Tower house, Bedford Park, London, Charles Francis Annesley Voysey, 1891
„a house for an art lover”, plan, entry for competiton, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, 1900
„Arts and Crafts at its most rational”, Upmeads, Stafford, Edgar Wood and John Henry Sellers, 1908,_House_for_an_Art_Lover,_competition_entry.jpg
flat roof, cube, historic/ornamental:
ReplyDeleteRow Houses for Max M. Rothschild, Chicago, Louis Sullivan, 1883
Three residences built for Victor Falkenau, Chicago, Louis Sullivan, 1890
Andrienne/Albert W. Sullivan residence, Chicago, Louis Sullivan w. Frank Lloyd Wright, 1891–1892 (demolished)
home or only store? John D. van Allen & Son Store, Clinton, Iowa, Louis Sullivan, 1911–1914
Krause Music Store, Chicago, Louis Sullivan, 1922
Delete1892: Harlan House, Frank Lloyd Wright (with Louis Sullivan; Chicago, Illinois)
Francisco Terrace Apartments, Chicago, F.L. Wright, 1895
ReplyDeleteEdgar C. Waller Apartments, Chicago, F.L. Wright, 1895
Francis Apartments, Chicago, F.L. Wright, 1895
Wright published it in "A Testament" (1956; p 113) as "1912. Project, Small Town House"
Another Wright Block System houses:
(finally) added:
Delete1912: Small Town House, Frank Lloyd Wright (concept)
1912-1916: American System-Built Homes, Frank Lloyd Wright (various, United States)
Trying to stay away from apartment projects...
ReplyDelete1931: Semi-detached House, Lajos Kozma (Budapest, Hungary)
1932: House on Szépvölgyi Avenue, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1932: House on Csatárka Street, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1933: Weekend House, Farkas Molnár (Felsőgöd, Hungary)
1935: Weekend Home on Lupa Island, Lajos Kozma (Budapest, Hungary)
1936: House in Csévi Mew, Józef Fisher and Farkas Molnár (Budapest, Hungary)
ReplyDelete1927: House of the architects, Barbera and Stanislaw Brukalski (Warsaw, Poland)
1928: Szyller House, Bogdan Lachert and Józef Szanajca (Warsaw-Saska Kępa, Poland)
1932: Single family house, Jadwiga Dobrzyńska and Zygmunt łoboda (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Lucian Korngold and Henryk Blum (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Two family house, Bohdan Pniewski (Warsaw, Poland)
1935: Single family house, Włodzimierz Winkler (Warsaw, Poland)
1939: Zalewski Villa, Bohdan Pniewski (Warsaw, Poland)
ReplyDelete1934: House on Sasfiók Street, Máté Major (Budapest, Hungary)
1935: Twin houses on Pálanta Street, József Fisher (Budapest, Hungary)
1936: House on Batsányi Street, Alfréd Forbát (Mecsek Mountains near Pécs, Hungary)
Delete1923: Model Maison Particulière, Theo von Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren (concept)
1923: Model Maison d'Artiste, Theo von Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren (concept)
ReplyDelete1915: Bach House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois)
ReplyDelete1935: Laing House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1929: Modernist Villa, Pol Abraham (Louveciennes, France; still here)
1929-1930: Villa Thérèse, Pol Abraham (Vaucresson, France; still here)
1938: The Barsha Residence, Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, California; still here)
1949: Schaffer House, John Lautner (Glendale, California; still here)
ReplyDelete1928: Kumeli House, Alvar Aalto (concept)
ReplyDelete1937-1938: Resor House, Mies van der Rohe (Jackson Hole, Wyoming; unbuilt)
ReplyDelete1931: Exposition House, Mies van der Rohe (Berlin, Germany; destroyed)
ReplyDelete1932: Gericke House, Mies van der Rohe (Germany; unbuilt)
ReplyDelete1939: Pumphrey House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California; still here)
ReplyDelete1908: Boynton House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Rochester, New York; still here)
ReplyDelete1940: Goetsch-Winckler House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Okemos, Michigan)
ReplyDelete1929-1930: Battlecreek House, Henry Dubin (Chicago, Illinois)
1934: Crystal House, George Fred Keck (Chicago, Illinois)
Delete1935: Kershner House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Los Angeles, California)
Delete1936: Steiguer House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Pasadena, California)
1937: Entenza House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Santa Monica, California)
ReplyDelete1938: Egloff House, William and Margaret Egloff
ReplyDelete1922: Floren duplex, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; still exists)
1927: House in the Weissenhof suburb, Walter Gropius (Stuttgart, Germany)
1927-1928: rue Simon-Dereure, Pierre Patout (Paris, France)
1927-1929: The Villa of Architect Evžen Linhart, Evžen Linhart (Praha, Czech Republic)
1929: WuWA nr 35, Heinrich Lauterbach (Wroclaw, Poland)
1930: Concept house in Architectural Record, George Howe and Williams Lescaze
1930-1931: Willa Jaroslava Haska, Heinrich Lauterbach (Jablonec, Czech Republic)
1930-1931: Field House, William Lescaze (New Hartford, Connecticut; still here)
1931-1932: Willa Dr. Schmelowsky’ego, Heinrich Lauterbach (Jablonec, Czech Republic)
1932: Director's house, Otto Hassler
1933: Lescaze house and office, William Lescaze (New York, USA; still here)
1933: High Cross House, William Lescaze (Devon, England)
1934-1935: Kramer House, William Lescaze (New York, New York)
1935: The glass house in Uccle, Paul-Amaury Michel (Uccle, Brussels; still exists)
ReplyDelete1901: Fricke House, Frank Llloyd Wright (Chicago, Illinois; still exists)
ReplyDelete1913-1914: Scholl House, Joseph Frank (Vienna, Austria)
1924-1927: Claeson House, Joseph Frank (Falsterbo, Sweden)
1925: Villa May, Ernst May (Frankfurt, Germany)
1929: Crowstep, Thomas Tait (Newbury, England)
1929-1930: Beer House, Joseph Frank (Vienna, Austria)
1937: Weissenhof House, Adolf Bading (Stuttgart, Germany)
1937: The double house, Joseph Frank (Stuttgart, Germany; still here)
1937: Weissenhof House, Hans Poelzig (Stuttgart Germany)
ReplyDelete1934: Beach House, Charlotte Perriand (designed in 1934; built in 2013 in Miami)
ReplyDelete1933-1934: Spreter House and Studio, William Lescaze (Ardmore, Pennsylvania)
1934-1035: Joose House, William Lescaze (Devon, England)
ReplyDelete1939-1941: Havens House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (Berkleley, California; still here; tours available)
1942: Lek House, Harwell Hamilton Harris (San Diego, California; destroyed)
Where did you get the picture of Schindler's Ries house, and do you have any more? I am a Schindler researcher and photos of the Ries are hard to come by.
ReplyDeleteSteve: Looking to see where I got that from... -bubba
DeleteIt appears that photo came from "The Architecture of R.M. Schindler" by MOCA (p. 260). Triangle Modern Homes has a couple other shots of the house.
ReplyDelete1930: Electrical house at Monza exhibition, L. Figini and G. Pollini (Milan, Italy)
1932: Akaboshi House, Antonin Raymond (Tokyo, Japan)
1934-1935: Peterhouse Flats, Rex Martienssen (Johannesburg, South Africa)
ReplyDelete1928-1929: Schulz House, Lois Welzenbacher (Westphalia, Germany)
1930: Werner House, Karl Schneider (Hamburg, Germany)
1930: Waldner House, Hans Schmidt (Basle, Switzerland)
1932-1933: Kytlica House, Josef Gočár (Czechoslovakia)
ReplyDelete1922-1925: Cite Moderne, Victor Bourgeois (Brussels, Belgium)
1925: Workers' Houses, Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret (Bordeaux, France)
1926: Lenglet House, H.L. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium)
1927: Guggenbuhl House, Andre Lurcat (Paris, France)
1927-1928: La Nouvelle Maison, H. van de Velde (Tervuren, Belgium)
1929: Maison a Boom, Leon Stynen (???)
1930: Canneel Cottage, H.L. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium; destroyed)
1931: House in Taunus Hills, Peter Behrens (Cronberg, Germany)
1931: Single-family house, Huib Hoste (Zele, Belgium)
1933: Villas, Tony Biwer (Luxembourg)
1933: Brussels House, Huib Hoste (Brussels)
1933: Meyer House, Francis Quetant (Coligny, France)
ReplyDelete1932: New Farm, Amyas Connell and Basil Ward (Surrey, England)
1934: Villa Hoffman, Josef Fischer (Budapest, Hungary)
1936: House, Stamo Papadakis (Athens, Greece)
1937: Berteaux Cottage, L.H. de Koninck (Brussels, Belgium)
1937: House, Raymond McGrath (Chertsey, Surrey, UK)
1937: Darling House, Richard Neutra (San Francisco, California)
1938: Schiff and Wolfe Duplex, Richard Neutra (San Francisco, California)
1935-1938: Own House, Serge Chermayeff (Halland, Sussex, UK)
1947: Breuer House I, Marcel Breuer (New Canaan, Connecticut)
1937: Scharlin House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
ReplyDelete1937: Stothart House, J.R. Davidson (Los Angeles, California)
1938: Becker House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1938: Vorkapinch House, Gregory Ain (Los Angeles, California)
1941: Mann House, J.R. Davidson (Pacific Palisades, California)
1950: Women's Home Companion Exhibition House, Gregory Ain (Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York)
1927-1930: Villa Heim, Gabriel Guevrekian (Paris, France; still here)
ReplyDelete1928-1930: Huber-Zweifel residence, Hans Schmidt (Switzerland)
1929-1930: Villa Snegaroff, Bruno Elkouken (Sceaux, France; still with us; photos)
1930-1932: Two houses at Werkbundsiedlung, Gabriel Guevrekian (Vienna, Austria; still here)
1939: Tanner House, Alfred Clauss (Knoxville, Tennessee; still here)
1943: Holston Hills House, Alfred Clauss (Knoxville, Tennessee; still here)
1941: Chamberlain Cottage, Marcel Breuer (Weyland, Massachusetts; still here)
ReplyDelete1946: Farney House, Philip Johnson (Sagaponack, New York; in jeopardy)
ReplyDelete1920: Oleander, R.M. Schindler (Los Angeles, California; for Frank Lloyd Wright)