The big news this week is built-ins, cabinets, and some finishing touches on the outside.
The carpenter stopped by over the past week to carpent. He put in rods and shelves in all the closets.
One side of the master closet:
The other side of the master closet:
We didn't do anything fancy (we're not fancy people...): Single pole for half of each side and double-pole for the other half.
We also requested a single pole/double-pole split for one of the upstairs closets:
With access needed to the ERV, couldn't do double-pole on both sides (and probably wouldn't have gone that way regardless).
We had single pole installed in the other upstairs closet:
Forgot to check the coat closet, so hopefully there a pole in there as well!
The other thing the carpenter installed were the built-in cabinets in the living room:
We spec'd 'em to be painted white, but they sure look good wood when paired with the cypress ceiling. They could probably still be sealed natural, but, as the carpenter noted, he chose less savory wood, especially for the back, since they're supposed to be painted. Nonetheless, we're thinking we'll leave the fronts of the drawers sealed as natural wood to add a wee bit o color on that wall and visually tie the wall in with the ceiling.
Speaking of the drawers, they soft close!
Whoop! Whoop!
One thing that we weren't able to do was have the shelves extend across the space without center support, something the plans called for:

This would have been ideal since the horizontal dimension would have been emphasized with the dimensions of the shelves echoing the dimensions of the windows above. However, the carpenter felt that wooden shelves that long would warp over time, especially since we plan to put books and antique electric fans on those shelves. I wasn't completely pleased with that, so I requested that the center supports extend the minimal possible distance out from the back to support the shelves. Unfortunately, that got lost in translation, since it didn't happen. And if anything, the completed product emphasizes the verticality of the support (it extends out farther than the shelves). At the end of the day, no big deal: They still look nice. But it does cause a problem other than not obliging my unhealthy fixation on the horizontals: LEDs are supposed to run across the entire length of the upper shelf.
That thar wire connects to LEDs that extend to this side of that center support...
Someone's gonna have to drill a fair-sized hole in the center supports to get 'em to work.
The cabinets are here! The cabinets are here! The cab installer (no, not a bartender...) spent a chunk of Friday putting cabinets together (what needs to be put together) and arranging them in the appropriate parts of the house. They look nice!
Cabs in the buds-n-suds room:
Cabs in the kitchen:
There's a bunch more boxes in the master bedroom (not shown). I suspect they'll get all arranged and ready over the next week...
floors revealed
You may have noticed from several of the photos above that the floor protection is up. The floor is pretty dusty, but we're getting more of a sense what the final floors will look like. The sealant unexpectedly (for us, at least) darkened the floor more than we thought it would. But it's still pretty nice. There are a few cracks already in the slab (to be expected, sadly...), but they've interacted with the sealant in a weird way:
Where there's a crack, the concrete is light gray. Not sure what the final finish will look like, but this is what the floor looks like at the moment...
dat art wall
I don't think we highlighted it last week, but the art wall came out great clad in cypress.
Those black pillars will get silverized to match the anodized aluminum (if not covered with anodized aluminum).
The doors are back in. They will all be painted white...
cypress to impress
We are just loving the cypress on the house. It really makes the place pop! And we really dig how the inside and outside visually connect via the cypress. All those early machinations with those huge beams allowed this detail.
white walls
They finally painted the walls on the "front porch" white (been driving me crazy...). Looks nice-nice-nice!
last of the limestone
Earlier today (7:15 according to an angry neighbor...) the cladders finished the limestone around the corner. They had to chip off the base quickset and then directly quickset the lime directly to the mesh. Seems to have worked...
plucking eyebrows
The builder removed the scaffolding out front so we now have an unadulterated view of the front eyebrow:
The plans call for anodized aluminum to visually connect the windows to each other. Not sure if that's going to happen since the builder was concerned about sealing issues....
it's green again
The trees have really greened up over the past few weeks, so it's neat to see how they impact sunlight on the house. This one back yonder by the master bedroom is already doing a nice job of shading that side of the house.
I took a few minutes to check out how much direct sun was shining through the southern windows. Some, but not much. It will be interesting to see how much comes in once summer is fully upon us.
tile for awhile
The tile work, for whatever reason, has stopped. However, the floor tile has shown up. I played around with how we should arrange 'em. The tilers were playing with having them laid out like brick work, but I think a quarter offset will be better:
can I see you pee?
The square window in the powder room located over the toilet peers out onto the front entry area:
That has me wondering: How much of that window do we need to frost to keep peering eyes from seeing peeing (or pooping!)? Some of it? All of it? None of it?
Some pals that live around the corner engaged me in conversation on this matter, which prompted several bouts of simulated urination and attempted (accidental?) peeping tommage. In daylight, at least, it seems difficult to see in the window, although things might be different if a light was on inside. In darkness, I think, it will be easy to see right in when interior lights are on. Not sure you would be able to see a squatter (will need to test that...), but you would definitely see a stander.
View out the window if you were (ahem) taking care of bidness...
We'll wait until everything is in (pooper, lights) before making a decision, but I'm thinking a partial frosting (half) will be in order.
orphaned outlets and plugs
Spent some time today somewhat methodically looking for orphaned outlets and plugs. By orphaned, I mean they were drywalled over and not cut out. I reckon the electrician will do this once he re-enters the building-the-house picture (I hope he has a master plan...), but I've found three orphans so far: An orphaned can light in the kitchen, the doorbell chime box, and a plug in the laundry room. One of the things I haven't blogged about yet is documenting everything in the walls before insulation goes in. We did this with a video camera. Good thing, because I wondered if a plug was missing in the laundry room, and I was able to confirm it with the video.
Orphaned plugs are concerning because if no one notices one, once the power is turned on, there's a good chance of fire. That would really suck at this point!
coming up...
Fencing: Should get started. Several convos over the past week on design and materials and whatnot.
Cabinets: They should be getting done.
Countertops: Once the cabinets are in, the countertops will get measured.
Horno: Is done and should be arriving next week.