I blame covid, but I haven't posted any architectural resolutions since 2020. But here we are, so let's restart this somewhat depressing activity.
First, let's see what I did and did not accomplish from the 2020 list (which is really a near-term wishful bucket rather than resolutions...):
1. finish designing the cabin (and start building it?) [DONE!!!]
After a wee rollercoaster of who-will-be-the-architect decisions the
past few years, I feel good about this resolution since we are 90 to 95
percent there. It's also highly likely we'll start the build this year!
2. restore and hang the schoolhouse modern lights
This. Is. The. Year.
[No. It. Wasn't.]
3. cypress shelves in the kitchen
open shelves in the kitchen are great but have too much height and,
therefore, too much unused space. Thinking about installing cypress
sub-shelves to break-up the space (and get more storage!). This would
also carry the cypress from the dining room/penninsula into the kitchen.
4. dance with architecture in palm springs
One of these years we're going to do this...
[but it wasn't since 2020]
5. dance with architecture in berlin [DONE!!!]
I really want to see the Bauhaus in person.
6. upgrade the plugs
Before I die...
[still alive...]
7. build a shed (and clean the garage)
It was here three freakin' years ago. Here it is again.
[and again...]

8. 'finish' the r.m. schindler list
Need to scan and upload the remaining Schindler designs.

9. finish the austin architecture tab
So close yet so far not done... [yikes!]
10. wire the carport for an electric car
This 110V charging ain't gonna cut it (even though it has so far...). [DONE!!!]
11. write more on this blog
While I haven't neglected this site, I need to give it more love (as evidenced by how far behind I am on posting).
12. sign up for green energy with the city [DONE!!!]
Austin allows residents to sign up for windpower. It costs a little more, but it supports a carbon-neutral world.

13. buy carbon offsets for our air travel [DONE!!!]
It's time to own our carbon footprint.

14. tour the lovell health house
I just saw that it is now open for monthly tours!
[missed it...]
stretch goals:
a. design our gravestone
morbid, but with the recent passing of the bride's mother (and our spot
in the New Mexican landscape staked), it seems we need to get this
[I'm still dying to do this...]
b. write a book on building a modern house
A carry over from last year. If I drink lots of coffee, I feel more motivated!
[I wrote {and published} a book, but it wasn't this one...]

Well, that's not too bad! So, for this next year (or years...):
1. restore and hang them schoolhouse modern lights
This. Might. Be. The. Year.

2. cypress shelves in the kitchen
open shelves in the kitchen are great but have too much height and,
therefore, too much unused space. Thinking about installing cypress
sub-shelves to break-up the space (and get more storage!). This would
also carry the cypress from the dining room/penninsula into the kitchen.

3. dance with architecture in palm springs
One of these years we're going to do this...

4. dance with eileen gray
I really want to see E1027 in person.

5. finish upgrading the plugs
Before I die...
6. build/install a shed (and clean the garage)
It was here three freakin' years ago. Here it is again.
7. 'finish' the r.m. schindler list
Need to scan and upload the remaining Schindler designs.
8. finish the austin architecture tab
So close yet so far not done...
9. gutter guards and rainwater harvesting up at the cabin
10. fire "proof" the cabin
11. install snow guards at cabin
stretch goals:
a. design our gravestone
morbid, but with the recent passing of the bride's mother (and our spot
in the New Mexican landscape staked), it seems we need to get this
b. write a book on building a modern house
A carry over from last year. If I drink lots of coffee, I feel more motivated!