



After a bit of a wait, the modular home a couple doors down was delivered and assembled over the past couple of days. The crew showed up Wednesday evening to set up the crane and then modules appeared on Thursday morning.

The plan, it seems, was to assemble the house in a day, but that was scuttled by the large tree in the backyard that interfered with assembly (although it seemed a lot of things went slower than anticipated due to the weather). A worker said to me, "The weather has really changed in Austin. It didn't used to be so rainy."My response: "Nothing's changed: y'all just showed up on the first rainy days in three years."

The assembly really brought a crowd out, especially once folks got home from their work days. 

The place really looks like ass right now, but a driver said that is only takes 30 days from assembly to ready. We'll see.

One driver said the construction (no hauling or craning) cost 1.1 mil while another on Friday said 1.8 mil. The latter seems too high, but who knows? 

The design changed a wee bit (perhaps after discovering that they were not in violation of McMansion?) with a full volume over the garage now (which removes the interest of articulation of the original design, but oh well!). The square footage is now 2,872 square feet with the second floor plan as such:

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