

lingering landscapes: installation pt. 5--ponded! arted! treed! slivered!

Some more progress on the lanscaping. The photo above shows the sculpture planted out in the front yard. 

The grass sliver finally got installed. The splash of green looks really good there and balances out the hardscape:

Everything is still alive outside the master bedroom. Ground cover and shrubbery that pulls around the corner plus a formal pedestal for the "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" statue. Really digging that concrete pedestal. Thinking of making more on my own for potted plants and what not...

The landscaper came and sealed the pond. After it set for 24 hours, we filled it up with rainwater and then went up to Hill Country Water Gardens to pick out some plants and fish. We shoudl ahve waitied on the fish since they were all dead inside of 48 hours. Need to let the tank equlibrate before fishing it, it seems.

Finally, the scaper planted three Anacacho Orchid trees along the back fence to green it up back there.

Still waiting on the metal planter to complement the concrete one toward the back of the patio. 


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