

dancing with architecture: alexandria, virginia

The cool thing about architecture is that there is always something to admire, leer, or sneer where ever you go. And while Alexandria is not exactly a hotbed of Modernism, it does have an interesting built environment.

Westerners first settled the area in 1695. The namesake of the town, Captain Philip Alexander II,  donated land to create the town in the mid-1700s. George Washington (THAT George Washington) surveyed land for the town. Other notables: (1) the Wright brothers won the first military airplane contract after flying from Arlington to Alexandria, (2)  Jim Morrison (of The Doors) graduated from high school here, and (3) Fox Mulder (The X-Files) listed his address here.

As might be expected, based on that history, much of the architecture is colonial quaint. I stayed in the newer part of town where much of the construction is revisionist. 

Didn't have my real camera with me (when will I learn to always have it!). Iphone photos!

Boot scraper

REAL shutters, people.

Found one Art Deco building.

A new old brick.

The Torpedo Factory, now an art center.

Cobblestone alley.

Cobblestone street.

Check out the shutters on the door!

Another view of that Art Deco building.

A minor treat: Modernist landscape architecture projects out front of the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center.

A sadly uninspired federal courthouse...


Yarn bomb!

Washington Masonic National Monument with a nice Deco top 

Deco monument to something or the other...

The airport!

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