

lingering landscapes: installation pt. 3--the boards are off!

Yay! The boards are off!

The crew came by this past week (Wednesday?) and pried the boards off of the pond, planters, perch, and platform. And wowsy do they look good! They are still drying out but are slowly whitening up with each day. The board lines look awesome, evoking all the horizontality in the back yard.

And if you look real close, you can see wood grain. Love it. Thank you, Le Corbusier.

The crew used particle board to support the inside, and even that looks kinda cool.

Here's the perch for the statue outside the master bedroom:

And here's the platform to mount the stage.

A side benefit of this project is having to "dispose" of the displaced gravel. Yep: it's all going into new wicking gardens

Still a ways to go to complete the entire project, but it's getting there.

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