

lingering landscapes: installation pt. 1

The doorbell rang. It was 8:45 am. Nothing good comes of a doorbell ringing that early. And one bummer of having a glass door is not being able to peek to see who it is before deciding how to respond. Although I had been up since 7, I was still in my night coat (a habit you pick up when you live in a glass house). I heard some clanking of the driveway gate. Could it be...

Yes! It was the landscaper! He and his crew were there to start our project!

Back in March, I laid out some of the undone bits of the landscaping that needed to be done, especially the planters the architects envisioned framing the back patio. This project is also a New Year's resolution. I finally hooked up with the landscaper for a quote, and he finally was able to get to our place (it has been a wet and wild springs round these parts...). The crew set forth on framing out the first of two concrete planters.

I can see why these things cost the Big Bucks. It took two dudes almost five hours to get the first planter/pond framed out, and it looks legit. They've got another planter, a pedestal, and a stage step to frame before concrete can be poured. Exciting to see this finally start to get done!

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