

Lots of good information out there. Here are our favorite links:

architecture blogs

  • archdaily [A little bit of architecture; every day]
  • build blog [Fantastic architectural blog put out by a Seattle architecture firm. Well written and not afraid to discuss "trade secrets"]
  • life of an architect [Bob Borsen's blog is delightfully irreverent and informative, and being located in Dallas, has something of a Texas slant to his musings]
  • matt risinger and the green building blog [The title kinda sounds like a good name for a pub band, but Matt's blog, with lots of video, is focused on green building with an Austin, Texas, slant]

build blogs

design blogs
  • creede fitch [local modern listing, musings, and building by a realtor; used to focus on grassroots modern]
  • modaustin [Modern happenings and real estate in Austin.]
  • modern austin [Focused on the Modern home market in Austin {and a great way to peak into the windows of various Modern properties in and about town.}]
  • the value of architecture [local and LA firm run by an architect focused on properties of architectural interest and importance]
  • austin energy's green building program [Here's where you get your stars.]
  • building science corporation [Excellent site for building science aimed at being affordable, implementable, and backed by data.]
  • energy star [The federal gummint's place on the interwebs for pitching energy efficiency. You should aim for better than meeting minimum Energy Star requirements, but the spreadsheets and data make it easy to do so.]  
  • fine homebuilding [Lots of good, no great, information on building and building green.]
  • green building advisor [Freakin' fantastic resource for green building and hand wringing.]
  • houzz [Great place to search and save home and design ideas.]
  • water sense [The federal gummint's place on the interwebs for pitching water efficiency.]
shopping for modern
shopping for modern in austin
shopping for green in austin
  • House+Earth [Focused on green building products.]
  • Treehouse [A hardware store focused on green.] 

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I just finished the design and construction of a netzero house in a city with opposite climate concerns of Austin. We built in one of North America's coldest cities, cold even by Canadian standards. Check out our blog at
