

Henry Trost's O.T. Bassett Tower (fail)


So late last year I'm FINALLY lined up to spend a night at Trost's Bassett Tower. Unexpectedly, the meeting I am at is LITERALLY across the street in the penthouse suit with rooftop view of, you guessed it, the Bassett Tower! After the meeting ends, I collect my luggage from the parking garage and proceed to check in. It's at that moment I get a little worried...

All along the front are a parade of water damage vans. "Hmmmm," I hmmm'd. I walked in and, sure enough, the young lady at the front desk says they've had an emergency and the hotel is closed. As a consolation prize, they set me up in the other Trost hotel, the Hotel Paso del Norte, a place that robbed us of a night's stay after Southwest canceled our flight (no refunds; no credit).

At one point during the evening at the del Norte, a man with a large cowboy hat and belt buckle entered my room and, upon seeing me in bed, yelled "OH SHIT!!!" and left. 

Maybe next time...


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