


Austin is growing bonkeringly. Along with that growth is densification, with just-this-side-of-high-rise buildings sprouting up along core roads across Austin. And Burnet is no different. We have three mid-rise projects going up within a five-minute walk of our house with two more coming over the next year or two (economic downturn willing). 

The photo above is out our second-floor window looking over the garage and rainwater tank toward the east and one of the cranes extant in our immediate area. Although many in the neighborhood are opposed to these projects, we're not. Austin needs to densify, and we're looking forward to a more dynamic, walkable neighborhood. But there are downsides such as traffic (which, so far, has been fine), loss of privacy, and, depending on your location, loss of sunlight. 

These projects have all had some grinding of the underlying limestone (which we can feel in our house), and the cats aren't too excited about it, stressed out by the sounds and vibrations. But it's all temporary, at least until it's all done.

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