

donald judd in new york

While in New York, we had to stop in and visit Donald Judd's work and living space at 101 Spring Street. Located in an historic cast-iron building loaded with natural light spilling in from floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides, it easy to see why Judd chose this place for his NY studio. In classic Judd style, the spaces are minimal with permanent installations, including in his bedroom located on the top floor. Photography was sadly only allowed on the first floor (I wish the Foundation understood that Juddheads would still go even if the space was scattered across Instagram). Nevertheless, it was well worth the visit.

One catch was getting a copy of the catalog Donald Judd Furniture, which includes dimensions (our docent even cracked that you could make the furniture yourself based on the information provided). We're particularly intrigued by his platform bed (which is installed at 101 Spring Street).






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