

cloudcroft cabin concept

We've been making progress on the design of the cabin! The above is a nifty realization of the guiding concept, which is quite sweet! I say 'guiding concept' because the earthly realities of budget and gravity (see that cantilever way over yonder?) haven't yet been fully applied. Nonetheless, we like where things are going!

In short, the upstairs includes the public spaces and the master suite (the bedroom is over yonder) with a guest bedroom downstairs. The public rooms and bedrooms engage the forest and there's quite a bit of covered outdoor space. Although shown with a flat roof here, the real design will have a 2 inches over 12 inches fall toward the front of the house (snowload is an issue).

Although this image shows floor to ceiling glass, energy-code requirements (Cloudcroft is equivalent to southern Alaska) and budget/available subs probably (sadly) won't allow them.



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