

Austin Gone Wild: Surrounded by redevelopment!

Past and current construction near our house. Dots without numbers are past projects; dots with numbers are currently under construction.

There's an amazing (and unusual) amount of construction in our part of the hood: six projects are currently in construction within a block of our house. Five of them are total scrapes and one is a radical remodel. Of the ten projects above, not including our house, nine are contemporary (the one that isn't started about the same time we started construction). As the first place in this neck of the hoods to build and go Modern, I like to think that maybe we helped spark the contemporary construction in our area.

house 1

I was kinda sad to see this one go since I believe our architects touchstoned it when designing our (much more abstract) house: note the limestone, the aspect ratio of the windows, the long linear fascia, and the carport.

These 1950s MCM-influenced houses in the hood are small on big lots, which means they have a developers' target on them. This place was listed for $500K, if I remember correctly, and probably sold for $400K. New houses in our neck of the hood are going for a million dollars (!!!).

The place being built in its place appears to be somewhat contemporary with large windows, low-sloped (and for the entry, no-sloped) roofs, and a somewhat ambitious cantilievered entry. The plans call for stucco on the front (but masonry for the garage volume...). We shall see. Given the entry, I suspected this was architect designed, and indeed that's the case.

architect: Jack Harter
developer: 6903 Daugherty LLC (ReloTeam)
2,843 sq-ft for $280,000

The original home


dat's our white house in the distance (not her best side...)

house 2

Went for a short stroll down the street last weekend, and this house was gone! Paradisa Homes, a contemporary builder, plans to build here. Paradisa's designs are OK (and eons better than David Designs Weakly), but sometimes they go off-kilter (like the horribly mis-proportioned place being built at Shoal Creek and Greenlawn). A recent design of theirs for Zilker is fairly well done (and well proportioned), so perhaps there is hope for this lot.

The original home

house 3

This is also a Paradisa, and it's OK, sporting a combo of flat and hipped roofs. That south-facing wood will be a bear to keep fresh-looking

designer: Paradisa
developer: Paradisa
2,881 sq-ft for $250,000
The original home

house 4

We rather like this place: a massive butterfly roof with a strong MCM feel to it. It might have needed more windows; it seemed rather dark when we were inside with artificial light. It was permitted as a partial demo even though the only thing left after demo was a short, stone wall. The designer, North Arrow Studio, is first rate, having designed The Container Bar on Rainey Street and several ambitious homes around town.

designed by North Arrow Studio
2,418 sq-ft for $250,000 

The original home

house 5

These folks elected for a radical remodel with a large addition on the back.

designed by ATX Architects
built by Watermark and Company
additional 1,303 sq-ft (to 2,924 sq-ft) for $50,000  (I call bullshit...)

house 6

Farmhouse Modern has been all the craze the past few years, so it was only a matter of time before one showed up. Although it ain't exactly my thing, Farmhouse Modern is alright (and it ain't David Designs Weakly).

designed by Perch Plans
built by Carty Custom Builders, LLC
2,909 sq-ft for $405,000

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