

dancing with architecture: llano, mason, menard, eldorado, and fort stockton texas

My mom, sister, and her main squeeze flew out from South Carolina to Midland-Odessa to meet me out in Alpine, Texas, for Thanksgivings this past November. The bride flew out later to El Paso to get picked up by her mom and brother coming down from Socorro, New Mexico. I drove out to meet mom and sis and took the long way through some small Texas towns. Saw some ole-time architecture; sought out the local cinemas, generally art deco; and chatted up some nice locals (they come out when they see you in the middle of the street taking photographs.


Stack from the old water and ice plant

Llano River


We lusted after this house years ago. It was abandonded for many years, now fised up and a real estate office.

Base for the water tower behind the old jail.

Water tower.



fort stockton

The springs dried up a long time ago...

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