

dancing with architecture: le corbusier's studio-apartment, paris, france (1934)

Built between 1931 and 1934, Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret designed and built an apartment building on the south side of Paris that included a two-story penthouse for a studio and apartment. Corbu and his wife bought the penthouse, and Corbu painted and lived there until he died in 1965. "It was dangerous for me to go live in a building of my own," he noted later, but loved it (whew!). I couldn't find much written about the building, so you'll just have to simply enjoy the photos. Note that Charlotte Perriand designed the kitchen cabinets and that the kitchen countertops were inspired by a mortician's table.

if you go

We were fortunate in that we visited on the last weekend the apartment was open before undergoing over a year of restorations.

Details on visiting are here.

buzzing in

ground floor entrance

detail of a Corbu journal page

Looking up the light well from the ground floor

heading up the stairs

Entering the front door reveals Corbu's painting studio. The limestone and brick are from the pre-existing wall of the neighboring building.



Corbu in the studio

shoe and dog washing basin at entry

heading from the studio to the master bedroom

The master bedroom is off the studio behind a moveable wall where the dresser moves with the wall (view from within the bedroom).

Corbu made the bed unusually tall such that he and his wife could see over the balcony railing.

view from the bed out the window

master bathroom

where Corbu pooped

facing towards the office

Corbu's office

massive pivot door marking the transition from the studio/entry to the sitting room

sitting room

dining room

de Stijl window box

scraping for the original wall color

Kitchen with cabs designed by Charlotte Perriand. Here are the countertops of death. The lips prevent blood from dripping everywhere; they also prevent kitchen stuff from dripping everywhere.

skylight in the kitchen

heading up the stairs...

guest apartment (with hot water heater)

Across the street is the stadium for the Paris rugby team!

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