

lawrence halprin show at the national building museum in washington dc

Heritage Park in Fort Worth (source)

Lawrence Halprin, he of the beautifully Brutalist Heritage Park in Fort Worth, has a retrospective at the National Building Museum in Washington D.C. through April 16, 2017. Halprin also designed the entry sequence to Yosemite Falls, the FDR Memorial in DC, the Haas Promenade in Jerusalem, and urban concrete parks in Portland,  Denver, and Seattle. The exhibit features 50 photographs of Halprin's work.

And while pecking this out, I thought to myself "Howz come museums don't have virtual tours of their shows?" Well lo and behold, one exists for this exhibit!

You can see additional photos of Heritage Park--currently shuttered for a hoped-for restoration--toward the bottom of our post here of last year's visit to Fort Worth.

Thanks to the ever-informative Dezeen for the tip!

Skyline Park, Denver, Colorado (source)

Freeway Park, Seattle, Washington (source)

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