

10ish architecty resolutions for 2017

I'm a listmaker, so I love to make lists. New Year's resolutions are my time of year: A time to reflect and (ahem) make a list for next year. So here are my architecty resolutions for the new year.

1. design the cabin

Already have loose plans to take the architect(s) to visit the lot this summer. Plans by the end of the year?

2. restore and hang the schoolhouse modern lights

Way back when, before we built, we bought a couple schoolhouse Mid-Century Modern hanging pendadnts for our stairwell. We found a local spot that restores old fixtures. Time to make it rain pendants!

3. cypress shelves in the kitchen

The open shelves in the kitchen are great but have too much height and, therefore, too much unused space. Thinking about installing cypress sub-shelves to break-up the space (and get more storage!). This would also carry the cypress from the dining room/penninsula into the kitchen.

4. dance with architecture in palm springs

Not sure this is the year: Ideally need to do this in the spring, but my job will keep me camped out in Austin through May. But who knows? At the very least it will be here to carry over into 2018...

5. dance with architecture in new york city

Every year it gets more ridiculous that we haven't been to New York, New York (besides our layovers to Iceland). WTH?

6. cut the cable

This is the year. We keep it for football, but football is getting tiresome (and there are starting to be tempting internet options).

7. upgrade the plugs

This is the year to get off our fat arses and finish installing our fancy-pants plugs and switches!

8. build a shed

It was there last year. Here it is again.

9. chair the front yard

A friend at work turned us onto this, something called The Turquoise Table, where people put a turquoise picnic table in the front yard and hang out there, visiting with neighbors. Yes, it sounds a little too precious and overmedicated, but whenever we hang out under our carport, we always wind up enjoyably chatting with passerbys (the house is a great conversation starter). We want to do more of that. I doubt we're going to put something turquoise in our front yard (maybe pale blue?) or a picnic table, but all we really need is a couple-few unstealable chairs. Would love concrete Corbus!

10. design our gravestone

Seems morbid, but with the recent passing of the bride's mother (and our spot in the New Mexican landscape staked), it seems we need to get this done.

11. write a book on building a modern house

A carry over from last year. If I drink lots of coffee, I feel more motivated!

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