

architecty resolutions for 2016: How did we do?

Before we go off and make resolutions for 2017, here's how we fared with our resolutions for 2016:

1. Success! Visit Corbu, Reitveld, and Weissenhof in the Old Countries.

After failing the year before (due to unplanned surgery...) we made it to Europe and saw all these sites and more. As you know, we are still writing about them. Stay tuned!

2. Partial...  Build a Schindler Shed 

No shed, but we did make progress is learning how to build a shed (thanks to some books) and what we want to build. If anything, due to the small footprint required, it won't be a Schindler Shed: It'll be a shed shed echoing the garage.

3. Fail... Dance with architecture in Palm Springs

Although we planned to take the trip in the summer or fall, we really needed to take this trip in the spring. We learned too late that the temps in Palm Springs are BRUTAL in the summer, so summer was out. And with the trip to Europe in the fall, we were tripped out for 2016. Next year?

4. Success! Dance with architecture in Miami

photo via free people

We had a fabulous pre-Zika trip to Miami and Miami Beach. We need to go back to focus on MiMo on the Beach as well as check in on the latest murals at Wyndam Walls.

5. Success! "Finish" the landscaping

Yay! Finally! The only regret was that we didn't do it earlier (like do-it-when-the-house-was-getting-built earlier). Our architects (element 5) really knew what they were doing with the hardscape they designed for the back patio. It stunningly finished out the back yard, turning it into a comfy cubby.

6. Partial... Dance with architecture in 12 state parks

We hit 3 of the planned 12. Weak (but better than nothing!).

7. Success! Put together a list of architecture to see in Austin

And here it is! It still needs some work (and I need to move it to a tab), but the bones (and most of hte meat) is there.

8. Success! Put together a plan for building a cabin

We moved surprisingly fast on this one, buying a lot earlier this year, architecting up, and planning to design in 2017 (and build in 2018?). We even have the rough beginnings of a build blog for the cabin.

9. Success! Keep the blogs going

So far, so good. Although I didn't provide a metric, my goal was 104 posts on austin cubed this year, and, with less than a week left, I've written 87 posts (including this one). The Schindler List is still alive, although I've neglected it lately with too many other projects...

10. Partial... Write a book on building a Modern house

This was a stretch goal, so I didn't quite make it, but I made some progress, pulling together slightly north of 21,000 words so far.

Some bonus goals from last year:

11. Partial... Cut the cable

Still have cable, but looking at AT&T and online programming. Is this week the week?

12. Fail... Finish upgrading the plugs

I'm still a slug on this... Is this week the week?


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