

lingering landscapes: installation pt. 4--the plants are in!

Well, that was fast! Came home from work and first saw that the crew had dug holes for the towers in the front yard:

And then, peeking through the gate, saw that they had planted the planters and plantings! 

A lot done in a short amount of time. We'll have to see how far they're going to take the pond (should it be lined? [or something?]). 

As a side "benefit", they also mowed the lawns, which is a bit of a tragedy because we like the driveway tall (stays green; more water efficient) and we like the Zoysia out back uncut (more water efficient, looks cool, greater sensation). Hard to get mad at guys trying to do you a favor. When you live life differently, other people try to make you conform!

1 comment:

  1. I'm on the hunt for some spreading type of vine that would look good in a not-so-good-at-growing-anything patch near our front door of our Cliff May home. Any ideas?
