

dancing with architecture: albuquerque, new mexico

When I flew into Albuquerque last week, I had an hour or so before I needing to hightail it up to Santa Fe for a meeting. Not enough time to do Q-town justice, but enough to sample a few savory bits. Helping to prioritize a few stops was this nifty site called Albuquerque Modernism developed by a class at the University of New Mexico which includes photos, history, addresses, and a map.

Here are some other resources:

MCM tour
City survey of MCM
Albuquerque Modernist Architecture

My first stop was the Kelvinator House built in 1938 and designed by William Burk, Jr. It's a gorgeous Streamline Moderne house called a Kelvinator because of it HVAC system, perhaps the first in Albuquerque.

In the general vicinity of the Kelvinator House are several MCM and other Streamline Moderne houses:

I also stopped in to see the Solar Building built in 1956 by Stanely and Wright. This structure is notable not only for its unusual profile but also for being the first active solar heated commercial building in the world. These days the solar windows, which were probably brutal during the New Mexico summers, have been roofed over, but the bones of the structure are still visible.

Across the alley...

Finally, I stopped to gawk at the A.W. Dekker House built in 1965 by Dekker, a local architect. Currently for sale according to the college kids renting it (although not on the active market).

Here are some photos from MLS of the house:

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