

dancing with architecture: MiCo in South Miami Beach

Although we didn't explicitly set out to see Miami Contemporary architecture (MiCo), we did make of point of stopping in at the Herzog and de Meuron parking garage and the Gehry museum (and taking photos of various other MiCo structures).

The Herzog and de Meuron parking garage was stunning. The photo above is looking up at the different parking decks, none of which share the same footprint. There's retail on the ground floor, an odd-space-out glass retail space on the fifth floor, and a rooftop restaurant. The edge fencing was translucent wires, giving a very open and slightly dangerous feel to the space.

Miami Beach also sports an oddly calm Frank Gehry. The landscaping was the most interesting part with bougainvillea corrals sprouting on the grounds and an outdoor movie theater.

People gathering up for a showing.

Back of the projector.

How Gehry dissuades skaters.

And then there were various interesting buildings we happened upon during our quests about town...

This was a bizarre boat-like building.

The coolest Walgreens in the world?

A mere glimpse of the Herzog and de Mueron museum on the mainland out of a taxi window...

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