

dancing with architecture: Old Sacramento, California

A giant bunny rabbit greets you at the airport. 

Due to a short business trip, I had 18 hours, including an overnight, in Sacramento. The conference was in Old Sacramento (a part of Sacramento), a quaint collection of 19th century buildings huddled along the river, pressed to the waterline by a highway (and split by a railroad). Because the conference hotel was outside of my per diem, I stayed on an old river boat (!!!) at half the cost! A gorgeous Streamline Moderne bridge designed by Alfred Eichler (apparently of no relation to the famous mid-century Modernist Joseph Eichler) greeted me during my walk from the riverboat to the conference.

Based on a wee bit of research, there's not a whole lot of historical Modern to speak of in Sacramento. Nevertheless, I didn't have time (or my real camera) to investigate. Maybe another time!

A street in Old Sacramento during daylight.

1930 monument to the dude who got the railroad to Sacramento.

The river boat I spent the night on.

Back in the old days...

Background on the Eichler bridge

View of the bridge from the back of the boat.

I wasn't in town long, but I got three glorious views!

Butt of the Bunny.

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