

i am watching u

Inspired after connecting up the computer network, I moved on to connecting up the video monitors a couple weeks ago. Way back when when I was wiring the house for my low-voltage desires, I ran CAT5e for a security system, including video cameras. My philosophy is that if someone wants to break into your house, they will break into your house. It is ridiculously easy-peasy. Therefore, if you break in, I want to get a good look at you (not to mention that studies show that houses with video monitoring are much less likely to be broken into [burglars are shy that way]).

Finding aesthetically-pleasing video monitoring systems is a bit of a challenge, although more of them are becoming available. We chose the legrand system, which happens to match our legrand adorne switch covers inside the house. The cameras are powered over the CAT5e cable (POE: power over ethernet) and provide the video signal back to the home base. Not cheap (nothing aesthetically pleasing seems to be cheap...), but easy to install and working nicely.

Say cheese!

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