

modern quilting at quiltcon 2015

A number of years ago, the quilters of Gee's Bend, Alabama, came through town via the Austin Museum of Art. We gawked at the quilts and, by happenchance, got to meet some of the quilters. The remarkable thing about their their work is how beautifully abstract it is:

Inspired by these modernistic quilts, the Modern Quilt Guild formed to carry forward the art of Modern quilting. And as happenchance would have it (I love getting happenchanced...), their 2015 international show and conference, QuiltCon 2015, was in Austin this past weekend.

The show was impressive, and the quilts were fabulous. Hard to say how many quilts were there, but it had to have been around 250. Below are some of the better ones (by my eyes...).

I sewed a kittycat using this awesome machine...

I've been wanting to quilt Mies van der Rohe's brick house for a while now...


  1. I still think the Gee's Bend work looks more modern than the explicitly modern work.

    The "modern" work looks more forced to me - trying to be different or modernish, as opposed to naturally modern (if that even makes sense)
