

if we had all the money in the world...

...we would hire Richard Meier to design a house for us. Here is an amazing story of Meier recently designing (and building) a one-bedroom beach house for friends. Meier's schtick is harkening back to the purity of early modernism, channeling the likes of Corbusier, Neutra, and early Schindler. And my oh my does he do it well.

Simply. Stunning.

All the way down to the Eileen Grey tube lamp.

[side note: at a cost of $2.25 million for 2,000 square feet, we're talking $1,125 per square foot. Yikes!!!]

these are three of the nineteen photos in the article

1 comment:

  1. We just got back from the Getty in LA - STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
