

bedside charging

One of the items on my honey-do list was to address bedside charging. When we designed the bedside cabinets and located the plugs, the idea was to be able to charge our iDevices bedside, useful because (1) we are generally reading on our iPads before we go to sleep (so it would be handy to plug 'em in to charge right there) and (2) we use iDevices as our alarms. Woe to the waker that has to wake and charge without bedside charging!

The plan went according to plan until it became clear that the back of the drawer wouldn't allow a charger to be plugged in and still allow the drawer to fully close. Finally, after debating whether or not to bring the cabinet maker back out to do this (we forgot to ask him during an earlier trip...) I tackled the task today with little trouble. 

The key things were (1) protecting the face of the drawer when sawing a space for the chargers and (2) having the right blades for the saw (a smooth-cut blade and a coping blade). The last step was drilling a hole in the side of the cabinet large enough to allow the cables to come through. 

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