

letter from Schindler to his estranged wife (and suite mate), Pauline


I hear you want me to select a color for the painting of Kings Road.

You understand that Kings Road was built as a protest against the American habit of covering their life and their buildings with coats of finish material to fool the onlooker about the commonplace base. Kings Road was conceived as a combination of honest materials, concrete-redwood-glass, which were to be left show the inner structure, and their natural color.

The house is the first example of the type of modern dwelling which is now repeated endlessly, and as such has some historical interest.

I realize that you have fought from the beginning against the character and essence of the house, and the painting of the outside aged redwood in a contrasting color would be a final stab in the back.

If you paint your part of the house, and I wish you would restrict yourself to that, my struggles for expression and the resistance of the insensitive would receive another monument.


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