

finishing upstairs

As predicted, the impending home tour is inspiring us to get the upstairs in order (and tackle some other projects...). First off is the guest room. 

We went with two twins (two singles) so that if we need to, we can bring the two together for one king (there are kits for that). We have plans for a headboard that will work for the two singles or the big ole king (more on that later...). We also still need to get a bookcase. But for the most part, the room is tour ready!

In case you are wondering how various bed sizes compare (image via Wikipedia):

Next up is the other bedroom, which we will use as a workout room plus spillover library (we have too many books...):

We need to make the rug bigger; easy because we used Flor tiles (another row in this edge and that edge are coming). Scored that Airdyne at closeout at Sears whilst buying a new vacuum!

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