

All Hallow's Eve

Enjoyed our first Halloween in the house! Didn't do much decor wise except place a tombstone in the sand pile out front.

When we bought our previous house, our first house, in our early twenties, we were so excited to host trick-or-treaters as new homeowners. We bought a big bowl of candy, turned on the porch light, and waited. The first treater came five years later... In the 19 years we lived there, we had three trick or treaters. Last night, we had well over 100. We're clearly in a more kid-friendly neighborhood.

We heard a lot of compliments on the house, including a tiny little boy who, is the most serious of tones, stated "You have a nice home." We also got comments on our entry art:

"Did you just hang that up for Halloween?" After replying that it was a permanent fixture, we were generally greeted with silence. If only they could have seen the zombie bandito around the corner.

We had to make two emergency runs for more candy. Next year we will be better prepared...

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