

kentuck knob

After preening through Fallingwater, we checked into Kentuck Knob, another Frank Lloyd Wright house nearby. This house was built by the Hagans of local ice cream fame (and you can still get their cream, even at the house!).  They commissioned a house from Frank in 1953 and moved in in 1956. Their inspiration was Fallingwater as they were friends with the owners, the Kaufmanns. In fact, the Kaufmanns advised the Hagans to only tell Wright what half of their real budget was.

The house was bought by Lord Palumbo of England, who opened the house to the public in 1996.

The house is something of a higher end Usonian with the money shot shown above with the house appearing to be a ship breaking through the waves.

A cute little tidbit we learned about the house during the tour: Frank called built-in furnishings "client proof furniture". Ha!

Lord Palumbo is something of a Modern sculpture collector and has his collection sprawled about the land.

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