

moving week

Taking this week off to to tie up loose ends and move! There are still quite a few things to take care of before we move in, some less important (cable [although if we don't get Internet we won't be able to post anymore...]), some more important (hot water, anyone?).

There's a lot to juggle. To plan and coordinate, we brainstormed out all the stuff we have to do, placed each item on a sticky, and then arranged them by day across the week (see top photo). As we accomplish each item, we cross it off (yes, we're those people who will write something down and then instantly cross it off to gain a sense of accomplishment...). It's a plan, so things will shift from one to the next or vice-versa as opportunity (and challenge) arise, but that's OK.

For example, after walking back from watching Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster at the Alamo yesterday (their review is stupendous), we saw the Flor store and stopped in. It was on our list for Tuesday, but here we were! Flor is that scalable carpet/rug store where you can develop your own design. The young lady that helped us out thought it was cool we were trying to duplicate an Eileen Gray rug. Should come next week!

The original.

The Flor version.

1 comment:

  1. Great choice going with Flor. I've had Flor rugs for years, very high quality, they last forever, plus I always get excited when I pull the latest catalog from the mailbox.
