

2013 Austin Cool House Tour on June 2

The Cool House Tour is coming! The Cool House Tour is coming!

The Cool House Tour, a collaboration between Austin Energy Green Building and the Texas Solar Energy Society, are having their 17th annual tour of cool green homes in and around Austin. Ten homes are on the tour and can be previewed here.

The bride has become jaded about these things ("How many times do we need to see people bragging about having used low VOC paint?"), but it's always fun (for me, at least) to see the houses and talk to the owners, builders, and architects.

There are a couple homes of a modern bent, including this one on West Monroe we already saw on the Modern Homes Tour:

and this one on West Milton:

The rest are more conventional but green as the trees. Don't know if we'll make it this year, with our house so close to completion, but we shall see (I may need a stunt wife if I don't want to go alone...)

Hope you can make it!