

and the hits keep coming! 50,000 (some of them human)

I was on the plane recently with a newspaper I picked up at the hotel, and hidden among the pages was an article that claimed half of all internet traffic was robots (did the singularity happen while I was researching doorknobs?). So although Austin Cubed has now achieved 50,000 hits, perhaps only half are legitimate carbon-based lifeforms.

Nonetheless: Wow! A whopping 50,000 hits! Whodathunkit, and with less posting even!

My frequency of posting lately has decreased due to (1) life and (2) house time being dedicated to solving house problems (we're building a house after all). And the posts I've posted lately aren't exactly traffic generators (week 31, y'all!). If I was truly a ho for traffic, I'd have more informative, catchy titles titles. But alas, my main goal ain't to get traffic (a little goes a long way: I have [literally] two dedicated readers on my artesian well postcard blog that keeps me going [notice that subtle advertising? didn't think so...]).

I've made 403 posts on this blog not including the 52 draft blog posts in the system that I need to finalize and post (some of which are finalized and I haven't posted yet [it sucks being forgetful]).

Here's the traffic-with-time chart.

I tell folks who are considering blogging to keep at it, even if initial traffic is low. As your content increases (and folks realize you're keeping after it) you'll get more readers (unless your blog is dedicated to artesian well postcards... [but even there, after a newspaper article about the blog, random traffic to the site {robots?} increased considerably]). Key things that picked up traffic here was getting picked up by as regular content and then getting linked by

Traffic source by country remains the same. Still no Iceland, but the map (as The Green House Lady noted last time) just shows the top 10 countries (come on, Iceland: You can do it!).

As far as popular posts are concerned, the top ten remains the same as at the 30,000 hit point, but the order has changed:

That Mies post (with the [ahem] clever title) still pulls 'em in (looking for nastiness, I'm sure...). Baseboards are a big pull as is de Stijl architecture and neoplastic furniture. The modern homes page (not technically a post) is the largest pull, and for good reason: It's rather awesome despite still being rather incomplete. Given that these are the traffic-getters, I check on them to make sure they are updated and/or have the latest info. In case you were wondering...

Earnings are up to $12.14, so that's cool! Still making less than minimum wage... And now Google wants tax info from me to get paid. hmmm.... I hope this blog doesn't cause the IRS to come after me.

Thanks for reading, my beauties and bots!

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