

week 21: doors and more!

Big news this week: The doors are (finally) installed! Layer 2 of the stucco is on! And the slow inexorable ironing out of details on plumbing, electric, and HVAC...

The Doors!

Very excited to see the front and rear doors finally installed, and they look great!

And there's now glass in the powder room window as well:

The front door is BIG! (The builder: 'That's a big front door." The bride: "That's a big front door."). It needed the height in order to have the to windows line up with the windows above the bookshelves. Looks good.

stucco: layer 2

The rest of the detailing got done, including by the front entryway:

and the second layer is completely on. It's less rough than the first layer but still somewhat rough to provide grippiness for the third layer:

Here's a panorama of the back courtyard:

I imagine the third layer will go on this next week, dry a week, and then the final layer, paint, will go on the week after that. Yikes! At that point, the outside of the house will be done barring the limestone on the front, the eaves, the lights, and the gutters!

shower sealing

The shower is fully sealed and appears to be passing its leak test:

still MEPing around...

The plumber, electrician, HVACer, and framer are still attending to details, some due to inspection deficiencies. The changes aren't particularly photogenic, but were are a few:

A vomit of wires out the back of the house.

Faucet in the powder room. 

One yuck what-were-they-thinking discovery we made over the weekend: The vent for the laundry room exhaust fan. The HVACers hadn't put the penetration in before the roof went on, so they hacked one in. Then they left the hole and hose (uncovered) sitting out in the elements. I crawled up there to cover it ahead of the expected (but unrealized) rains this weekend, but the hose sat uncovered through the week's earlier rains, so peering down into the hose shows rain (and stucco!) in the pipe. Hope that didn't screw up the fan...


Not sure if the builder knows about this (but he will!).

In general, the lack of respect certain sub employees show for other's work is appalling. For example, the buffoon that decided he needed to clean his boots off on the drywall stack. Really? Then there was the yahoo who chewed gum and spit it on the floor (thank dude...).

It all works out in the end, I reckon, but still, the sausage making can be a little stomach turning...

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