

last call for lights!

With a meeting impending with the light-ordering-dude, we're taking one last look at our light choices.

First, we sadly have to say bye bye to the excellent pendants above the peninsula countertop in the kitchen since the air handler is square right in the way.

Bye bye Mr. Chromos. We'll miss you.

We're also saying bye-bye to the fancy ceiling hugger for the rear entry: Made sense if it was all one tallish ceiling; not so much when the ceiling is split and not so tallish.

Bye bye Mr. Contempra. We're replacing you with a can. Sorry.

We're also saying bye bye to the ceiling hugger in the pantry. The ceiling in the pantry is a little weird, being under the stairs and all. The little spot the electricians put the fixture is not conducive to this fixture. If anything, it needs to be a pendant to hang low enough to distribute the light.

Bye bye Mr. Eglo. We'll miss yer eggy glow.

I think for the time being, we'll replace this fixture with a cheapie until we get a better feel for the space.

We also had plans for an Eglo in the laundry room, but I'm not sure there's room. The HVAC folks installed the exhaust fan very close to where the light needs to go:

Might need something more linear...

The master closet had an Eglo, but perhaps we should upgrade to the Contempra. hmmm...

For the bathrooms, we'd chosen a George Kovacs Cubism light:

However, while browsing through the vender's selections, they actually had something we might like even better, the Hudson Valley 4441:

but... seeing them side-by-side, we'll stick with the Kovacs.

I recently read that bathroom lights above a mirror should be the length of the mirror. So for the powder, we should really get this version of the Kovacs:

Which looks purdy cool.

The individuals will work in the master, but the guest will need a larger (longer) light:

We've never been completely happy with the garage lights:

However, the vender has a light we like better:

More minimal and it's a downlight: Better to reduce light pollution (and glare!). Plus, it comes in LED and fluorescent versions. It's about 6 inches on a side, so hopefully size will work with the garage. I also just noticed a week ago that we also need a light for just outside our bedroom. This light will work there as well, perhaps in titanium:

Meet with the lighting dude first thing Thursday Wednesday morning...

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