

design dilemma: light over the kitchen sink

We would like to hang this light above the sink:

However, at 27.5 inches across, we're concerned it's not at the right scale (oh the things you "worry" about when building a house...).

I scaled the image above to the elevation of that side of the kitchen to get a feel for it there. The top one has the light centered on the upper window, and bottom one has the bottom of the light alined with the top of the bottom window (got that?!?!).

Hmmm.... Not sure what to think... It looks too big and awkward, perhaps.

This has prompted us to consider some other options.

One option is to simply use the same light we plan to use over the peninsula:

It's slightly less than 10 inches in width, so perhaps at a better scale and would tie the pendants in the kitchen together.

We both rather like this LED fixture:

It's 13.8 inches in diameter and it looks like a jellyfish:

The bride found this one:

which is neoplasticish and 12 inches wide and 16 inches tall.

The bride also found this one:

Yet another option is to not have a pendant there at all, just a can.

Leaning, at this point, toward the jellyfish...

Decisions, decisions... Design thoughts appreciated.


  1. I like the jellyfish.

    The first one, in addition to probably being just plain too big, would need to be hung so far out from the wall/window that your heads would likely cast a shadow while you're standing over the sink. (Our recessed light over the sink is about a foot from the wall, whereas the other lights along the cabinet walls are about double that.)

    1. Good point on the "so far out from the wall/window" thing.

      Jellyfish are taking over the world, so why not our kitchen?
