

20,000 hits!

Hit 20,000 pageviews yesterday (wh00p! wh00p!). Here are stats similar to the 10,000 hits! (wh00p! wh00p!) post back yonder in April:

The most popular post continues to be "the miserable truth of Mies van der Rohe" (lots of Mies haters out there...) with "dirty deeds (done dirt cheap)", "neoplastic furniture" (a personal fave of mine) and "haiku for the book 'Gropius'" breaking into the top ten.

 Although "miserable" continues to be the higher post, the "modern homes" page has blown past it in terms of hits.
Financially, I still have a ways to go before I can quit my day job:

In fact the earnings per hit have decreased substantially since 10,000 hits. This won't quite buy a bathroom tile yet (sigh...).

Thanks for tuning in!

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