

stop wining.

We are mild oenophiles (lovers of the vino) and have a minor collection of bottles that would be good to adequately store (presently they are in a kitchen cabinet, against a wall in the living room, and in a box in the master closet; in the old house, there was grape juice stashed in the kitchen and in three of our four closets). Given this, a built-in wine fridge in the new house would be sweet. We've held off spec'ing one because (1) we weren't sure we could afford one, (2) we still have one a friend gave us several years ago (oh yeah, we had wine in that too in the old house), and (3) been a little uncomfortable with having another electric sink (and heat source) in the house. However, it looks like we can afford one (and the one we have is single zone, so where oh where will the white wines go?).

So if we get one (we'll see how things go...), which one? Our old stalwarts, Consumer Reports, does not disappoint (all their reviews are online, for a fee...) and has reviews of under-counter wine refrigerators. The top ranked fridge de vino is the Marvel 6SWC:

 followed by the GE PCR06WAT:

and then the Electrolux EI24WC65GS:

These three are better vintages because they do better than others on energy efficiency with the Marvel a wee bit noisier than the other two. Aesthetically, we marvel at the Miesian lines of the Marvel...