

elevated interest: part 3

What else got elevated?

The shelves just inside the front door:

Looking good. Weren't expecting drawers at the bottom, but drawers at the bottom are a good idea.

The half bath (just showing one):

This shows the size and height of the window. We reckon that's gonna be frosted of something, otherwise the UPS man will see us poop.

The laundry room:

Yep. Thinking that we should elevate the washer and dryer (we're getting old, you know). If we do that, we prolly should move the W and the D to one side or the other (prolly the other) and have more counter space to the side.

What else... Oh yeah: the master bath!

Floaty cabs! Can see window placement and the architects' ideas about size and placement of tile. Wondering where the lights go (through the mirror?). Again, looks cool.

And finally, here's the guest bath upstairs:

Looks good (but missing a mirror!).

1 comment:

  1. If you end up moving the washer/dryer, keep in mind that moving them toward the outside wall will let you vent the dryer straight out.
