

first Passive House Alliance--Austin Chapter meeting this Monday!

From Nicholas Koch, President of the Passive House Alliance--Austin Chapter:

This is a free informational meeting for anyone and everyone interested in Passive House hosted at the office of E Green Group.  This informal meeting will consist of a brief presentation, time for questions and discussion, and a social portion with snacks and refreshments.

Monday's presentation will cover:

An introduction to the Passive House building system

Challenges and Benefits of the Passive House Building system in Austin's hot southern climate

Cost Comparisons of Passive House vs. the competition

Join us at 7:30 at 2415 E 5th St. Bldg E.

Thank you,

Nicholas Blaise Koch
President, PHA - Austin Chapter
Owner, E Green Group

Nicholas is the real deal, having built the first passive house in Austin and Texas and one of the first (second?) passive house in the south.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Found your blog from the recent link on Modernaustin. Just finished reading all your blog posts and thoroughly enjoyed your writing and your journey. We have some similarities. We are building a modern home in Zilker neighborhood. Our house sold early so we are living in an apartment downtown. In fact, based on the picture taken from your apartment, I think we live in the same building. Contact me at if you would like to discuss. Tim
