

status update

I haven't written much about the Architect 2.0 search in part because I want to wait until we've made a decision before writing about it. But here's a quick update without the gory details.

We've talked to four architects now: Architect 2a(i) and Architect 2a(ii) (yes, we're going to tattoo the underside of their lips with serial numbers like race horses...), Architect 2b, Architect 2c, and Architect 2d. Architect 2c, although quite lovely, is unfortunately way too much of a financial stretch to work (and yes, we tried stretching). Architect 2a(i) was recommended by a friend, but he has joined forces with Architect 2a(ii), hence the complicated sub-numbering of the specimens. We have one more (Architect 2e) to talk to before making a decision, something we plan to do over the holidays. Was it Mae West that said "So many architects, so little time!"?

Got a topo and tree survey done (post coming soon) but still need to get geotechnical done.

(photo by mwah, Terlingua, Texas, November 2011)

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