

scheme j

Amidst the packing and decluttering and prepping of the current house The Architect sent over the latest on the new house: Scheme J (click on the image above to see a larger version of it). Scheme J is orthogonal with a longer dining area (to create more space out the patio) and a flip of the bathroom to the north (to allow room for the hammerhead; a place to back the cars before heading out of the drive). As a bonus, The Architect also drew in an entrance patio (which looks awesome) as well as some other stuff.

The dining room is now hey-uge: theres room, I reckon, for a buffet or buffets. And it definitely increases space off the side patio. Oh look: Theres the horno (the circle near the AC units). According to The Architects contacts at the city, the horno can be placed in the easement. That deserves a hip-hip-hooray!
I cant tell how much longer the dining room is (maybe I can convince The Architect to put a scale on these): Maybe 4 or 5 feet. The house is also pulled a foot or so from the northern boundary. This scheme shows a gate through the driveway (something needed to keep the riffraff out). And it shows the trash and recycling bins (a pet peeve of ours on modern houses: They never plan for a place to hide the trash and recycling). Theyll still need something around em to hide em, but there they are. Oh! And I shouldnt forget about the outdoor shower off the first floor bedroom!

My engineer bride likes what she sees but worries about cost. After quickly pecking at her calculator, she frowned a little. Well need to talk to The Architect about where the budget is on the project. And what the second floor looks like! And where the rainwater harvesting tanks go...

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