

a stroll around Frankfurt, Germany

 Frankfurt was simply a weigh station for us on this trip, the place the airplane landed and a place to reset our internal clocks for the European time zone. We spent some time last year checking the primary Modern architecture sites in Frankfurt, namely the Mayhaus and the IG Farben Building (although perhaps we should spend some time looking at this blog next time). After catching a few hours of zzzz's at the hotel, we took a bus downtown for dinner and then randomly walked around, seeing what we could see.
 We walked from the restaurant down to the Holbeinsteg (pedestrian bridge). We saw a street rave and a dancing class as well as the Main River. And we walked through the grounds of the Städel Museum.


back from touring brutalist churches in switzerland


We just spent one-and-a-half weeks in Europe touring early (and not so early) Modernism. We landed in Frankfurt, hightailed it to Switzerland, moseyed down to the coast of France, back to Switzerland via Italy, and then back to Frankfurt for the fly back home. Here are some photos to whet the appetite for future posts on these sites. Get your espresso ready!